Wednesday, 23 December 2020

Need Help Writing A Speech?

 By Mary Held | Submitted On November 29, 2012

When you need help writing a speech, it's a problem shared by many. Many people seek help writing and delivering their speeches so that they can combat fear, and reap the rewards of giving an outstanding speech. When people need help but don't get it, the results are poor presentation, lack of enthusiasm from the audience, and the end result can be detrimental. Getting help writing a speech actually assuages your fears of getting in front of a group of your peers and having all eyes on you. Speech coaching gives you the courage to step into your role as a public speaker. 

When you get the help you need, you are more likely to achieve the results you are wanting with your speech. As an award winning speaker, professional speech coach, and professional speech writer, I know the ins and outs of giving exceptional speeches. I can help you write a speech that will stand out for a lifetime in the minds of those who hear it, and assist you to achieve the goal your speech aims for. Secret #1. Start your speech strong. Find a way to get your audience's attention. Sometimes, if your goal is to get your audience to take action, specifically if you are persuading your audience, starting with a good joke will force your audience to drop their guard. Once they drop their guard by laughing, their minds are open to receive your message. 

Alternatively, if the goal of your speech is to inspire your audience or cause them to think, starting with a thought provoking quote might be considered best. Secret #2. Get A Mentor. Professional help from a qualified speech coach goes a long way in assisting you to achieve the results you are aiming for. Whether you are trying to persuade your audience to buy a product or service... or you are entertaining a wedding party, every speech follows a basic simple formula, and a great speech coach will be able to teach you that formula for success. Secret #3. End Strong. When you start strong, you must end with equal strength to deliver the finale of a truly unforgettable speech. Imagine a speech that grabs the audience's attention, fascinates them through the whole speech, and then ends with a phenomenal statement causing a standing ovation. That is the kind of speech to aim for. 

When you have a speech to give, it's best to get professional help... and sooner rather than later. If you get help right away, you are more apt to get the speech written, edited, and practiced thoroughly in time to deliver the speech to your audience. It's crucial to seek help as soon as possible, because a truly phenomenal speech won't be written, edited, and memorized in one day. A great professional might be able to pull it off, but the best speeches have at least a week of brainstorming, writing, editing and practicing. Seek a professional speech coach right away if you have a speech coming up! Mary Moore is an award winning speaker, professional speech coach, and professional speech writer. For a Free Special Report on the Insider's Secrets To Giving An Unforgettable Speech, visit: [] 12/21/2020 Need Help Writing A Speech? 2/2

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