Tuesday 15 December 2020

How To Increase Dream Creativity, And Start Using Your Dreams To Trigger Innovative Ideas

 By Ken Korczak | Submitted On September 01, 2011

The great writer Robert Louis Stevenson said all of his story ideas came to him in dreams. His books, including "Treasure Island" aand "Dr. Jykll and Mr. Hyde", were brought to him almost "pre-written," Stevenson said by "brownies" of the dream world. Famous cases of dream powered ideas are throughout history are almost too numerous to mention, from the invention of insulin for diabetes (discovered in a dream by Dr. Frederick Banting) to the first oil well in the deserts of Kuwait, found via a dream in 1937 by a British military officer. 

So there is dead-solid proof that the dreaming mind can deliver to us not only ideas that can make money, but change the world. So what can you - or anyone - do to trigger a dream like this? Can anyone conjure up a dream that will spell out a way to invent some new product, reveal the plot of a best-selling novel, or maybe even tell us where to pan for gold in an Alaskan river? The answer is yes. The fact is, there are many ways to increase the power and vividness of our dreams. 

We can not only make ourselves dream more, but we can develop methods to remember them better. We can even make dreams more "real." Even people who consider themselves total nondreamers can become frequent and vivid dreamers. There is no such thing as a nondreamer. Sleep researchers have proven that everyone not only dreams, but that they must dream. If the brain does not dream, it cannot function properly. People who say they don't dream simply are not remembering them. So step one toward our goal to start having dreams that can trigger brilliant, innovative ideas is to start cultivating your dream life, your dreaming mind. You want to have more dreams, and you want them to become more vivid and memorable. 

The first step to make this happen is a simple one - start keeping a dream journal. All you have to do it get a pen and notepad and place it by your bed, and then be ready to write down your dreams when you wake up. There are a number of ways you 12/14/2020 How To Increase Dream Creativity, And Start Using Your Dreams To Trigger Innovative Ideas https://ezinearticles.com/?How-To-Increase-Dream-Creativity,-And-Start-Using-Your-Dreams-To-Trigger-Innnovative-Ideas&id=6534831 2/2 can do this. Some people choose to sleep soundly through the night, and only write down those dreams they remember when they wake up in the morning. Another method is to wake up periodically throughout the night and write down each dream as they occur. Either way is fine. Basically, we enter the dream state about 90 minutes after we fall asleep. 

We dream for a short time, and then sleeping brain continues to cycle through four basic stages of sleep. The stage in which we dream is called REM sleep. REM stands for "Rapid Eye Movement." That's because our eyes moves from right to left, back and forth, during the process of dreaming. As the night goes on, we spend more and longer periods of time in the REM stage, so that by morning, we are dreaming more often, and more vividly. Most people report that the dreams they have just before they awake in the morning are the most memorable and vivid. But here's the amazing thing about dream journaling. For some reason, the act, or our very intention to actively record our dreams causes the dreaming mind to respond with more dreams! 

Try this and you'll see it's true. In the very first week in which you began writing down your dreams, you will be amazed by how much more you dream, and how the power of your dreams increase. So start there. Even if you consider yourself a nondreamer, the activity of keeping a dream journal will turn on your dreaming mind like it has never been turned on before. You are now on your way to incubating a powerful life-changing dream that will help you invent something new, solve a problem, or give you a terrific idea for a best selling novel! This is my Facebook Fan Page where you will find tons more information on expanding the limits of your mind and intellectual capabilities, and also where you will find topics that will invite you to think outside the box... sometimes WAY out side the box. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Minnesota-Paranormala/208171272536878

 Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Ken_Korczak/917617 

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