By Timothy Sweezy Submitted On August 08, 2009
If you live long enough, you will experience some type of struggle in your life. It does not matter if you grow up with a silver spoon in your mouth or not, struggle will find you in time. Perhaps we put a worse rap on struggle than it truly deserves though. Sure, struggling is not easy and it is definitely not any fun. But what comes out of struggle is what often makes it worth it all. So how do we turn our struggle into success? When a person has to struggle, whether it be financially, emotionally, spiritually, etc. it helps to develop a person's perseverance. If you happen to be a Christian, then Romans 5:1-5 will ring true to this. What this particular passage focuses on is why we as humans must struggle at times in our lives. The passage uses the terms trial and tribulation.
Whether you are a Christian or not please continue reading. You will see the relevance to anyone's life if you do. The first thing that the passage tells the reader as to why trial and tribulation is necessary is that it leads to perseverance in the person's life. If life was just handed to us on a platter, we would never truly have to work toward anything. We would merely sit back in our cozy little lives and just wait for what we knew was coming to us. Why work and persevere for anything if there is never a struggle to obtain it? This is why struggle is a necessary thing in anyone's life, because we all know that life is not handed to us on a platter. Therefore as we experience struggle, or trial and tribulation, we learn how to persevere through it in order to obtain the outcome we desire. The more we struggle, the more perseverance we will develop. I can hear some of you saying, "Well I have enough perseverance already, and don't need any more thank you!" We may think that, but we later learn that as life gets better we drift back to our nature of sitting back and just waiting on things to come to us.
Therefore we will always more than likely need some form of struggle in our lives in order to keep us moving forward. The second thing that the passage in Romans points out is that struggle leads to perseverance which is then turned into character. As we develop our perseverance, our character inevitably will become more grounded and solid. Have you ever known someone you thought of as a spoiled brat? You know the person that seems to get everything they want and never has to work for anything. If you think about how you view that person's character you would probably tag them as being selfcentered, lazy, shallow, egotistical, etc.
However, if you think about the person that has had to work hard for everything they have then you probably would tag them with different words to describe their character. Some of them may be strong, dedicated, grounded, hard working, stable, and selfless. The reason for the vast difference in character can be traced back to struggle. The spoiled brat has far less struggle in their life as the person that has had to work hard for everything. Are you beginning to see the importance of struggle yet? 12/1/2020 From Struggle to Success 2/2 The final aspect of struggle in the passage in Romans pertaining to struggle is that as perseverance is developed, it turns into character, and then ends in hope.
For the Christian this hope is that one day they will be in the presence of their Almighty Lord and Savior. For the non-Christian that hope may simply be that one day things will get better. The important thing to learn about hope, however, is that it is not speaking of something that may happen. It speaks to something that we know will happen. As we develop perseverance in our lives, which turns into character, we begin to view the outcome more positively. We begin to learn from past experience that there is an end to it all. One day we will overcome the struggle and come out on the other side stronger and better for it. Added to that is the fact that the more struggle we incur, the more hope we have from the beginning that everything will be alright. The more hope we have, the more positive we are from the onset and the quicker we will move from struggle to success. You may be the type of person that does not care about being perseverant and having a good character.
You may be the type that would rather just be handed everything to you and never have to struggle. But if you are like most people then you do care about those things. And if you are the latter, then begin embracing struggle in your life. Start viewing it as a necessary growth process that will make you a stronger and more vital person in the end. Begin looking in the beginning or your struggle toward the hope of knowing that it will one day be turned into success. If you do this, then when the next struggle comes you will have a much better attitude toward it and you may be surprised at how much easier it will seem to overcome it. Timothy Sweezy Writing for me is not a profession but a passion. It is an art form that evolves with the author and is expressed for the world to see.
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