Change Happens
By Gerard A. Davis | Submitted On January 24, 2014
CLOUDY DAYS, for many people are dreadful. We call it a "grey" day; its when the day is blanketed by heavy clouds and there's often lingering moisture in the air. It's "drewy" which could mean there's a chance of showers; or possibly not. We watch the weather forecast intently because we want to know, "Is it going to rain?" A single day of rain ruins special occasions; wrecks favorite outfits and destroys brand new hair styles all in the blink of an eye. Rain can also cause minor damage in just a day's time; or great disaster if it comes in abundance for several days. In Genesis 7, God used massive amounts of rain to destroy all inhabitants of the Earth so that He could begin civilization over again. The devastation took God only 40-days to dispense; but the Earth spent over a year in recovery. Grey, cloudy days mean more than the threat of physical damage. Overcast has the ability to dampen the human spirit. An online Science & Mathmatics forum revealed that a large number of Americans feel tired and drained when there is dark overcast.
Participants of the study used words such as, "colorless", "bland", "cold", "grey" and "sad" when describing their feelings about cloudy days. Many reported that overcast makes them feel angry, irritated, and frustrated for no apparent reason. The study concluded that overcast is associated with "darkness" and "gloomyness" not just because of the color of the sky, but also depending on each persons psychological connotations to facing the "unknown". When clouds turn to rain, people instinctively protect themselves as if the rain were painful; everyone "shelters-in-place". While it rains, sidewalks are clear. Playgrounds, parks and many parking lots are empty. Anyone who can get inside goes inside. But when the clouds break, the brilliant rays of a glorious sun peak their warming arms through the gloom and everything suddenly feels better. When the sun burns off the last of those murky clouds and finally shines its dazzling face on a battered earth, a new day is revealed. The ground even smells new. You're able to walk into the freshness of a renewed day. And you can't help but look towards heaven and be thankful that God has brought the sunshine once again. Described above is the very essence of this word "CHANGE". Every creation under heaven will experience it. First you have an uncloudy day; which denotes consistency, uniformity and happiness. Then, at some point, clouds begin to form, which represent alteration and transition in your life.
Clouds thicken to the point where they cover the sun which marks the beginning of transformation. Next, darkness resides which signifies fear of the unknown. And finally, rain. Rain is CHANGE. Critics agree that change is good in the same way that rain is good. I mean, things can not remain the same way forever. A human being begins life as a fetus and ends it as a senior citizen; that in and of itself means change. Attitudes change. Styles change. People change. This country is in the middle of a change as we speak. When your hair begins to feel monotonous, 12/14/2020 Change Happens 2/3 the best thing to do is make a change. When you get tired of the way your house looks on the inside or the out, make a change. If you ever want to get more out of life, it's a guarantee that you will have to take a close look at who you are and what it is that you do, then make a serious CHANGE. And you will CHANGE; whether you like it or not. But, here's the thing about change: It's hard to change. Change is not just the passing of time. Change, by definition, means to make the form, nature, content or future course of something different from what it would be if left alone. That means change is most often a process. Sometimes it's a short and pleasant process which happens overnight without even your realizing; such as hair growing. But more often than not, it's a hard, agonizing, stressful, painful process that your not even sure you want to happen and literally seems to take forever; such as hair changing from its natural color to "salt & pepper" grey; then to white... then gone never to return.
Change is hard because most things which change are things that have been a certain way for the majority of your life. It's hard to stop eating fatty food when you've been feeding yourself fatty foods since High School. It's hard to stop cussing when you've been cussing since elementary. It's hard to quite smoking when even watching TV makes you want a cigarette. It's hard to think positively when everyone you've ever known thought negatively and taught you to think negatively and when you did finally think positively it ended up hurting you. Change is hard because even at times when the change is for the best it's still a long hard process. Just ask the caterpillar. Ask him while he's in that cocoon experiencing his own death and simultaneous birth in order to emerge as a butterfly if the thought of fluttering through the air from flower to flower eases the pain of what ever is happening in that dark, isolated enclosure. Maybe for a caterpillar, it does; but for the psyche of a human, the fact that you will benefit at the end of a change is not much consolation during the change. The worst part about change is, many times you will feel you've finally changed only to find yourself right back in the same predicament that you swore you had changed from a short time later.
The question you will immediately ask yourself is; "does this mean I didn't really change?" "Did I only fool myself into thinking that I changed but I'm actually exactly the same?" Or, "did my changes fail to take hold and all my work trying to change was in vain?" The answer: You did in fact change... But because the process isn't over, it will temporarily appear that you've changed back. Finding yourself facing the same situation requiring the same changes doesn't mean your change failed. It simply means there is still a lot more changing left to do! Change, for most people is dreadful; but, you will survive. The critical thing to remember during a change is that the sun has not left; you just can't see it. The sun was in the sky before the clouds took over and the sun will return after. Meaning, the level of happiness and contentment you once enjoyed still exists; it's just covered by the pain and frustration of that long, tedious changing process.
You may not be able to see yourself ever being happy again because of what you're experiencing. But these changes are not a sign that there is something wrong with you; they are simply the tool God is using to fix your atmosphere and provide a knew civilization FOR you. Soon you'll emerge from this process as a new creature and enjoy a fresh, new day. The only thing that will remain the same forever is God. God does not change; why would He need to? But everything else does. The presence of change in your life is not a warning that you are doing something wrong. In fact, its the opposite. Change is your assurance that things will not remain as they have been. The rainy, gloomy, stressful, depressing days will subside. Sunny, bright and consistently happier situations will return! I believe that the worst is already over for you. I'm praying that you receive your new day today where the battering rain of change has complete it's purpose and God finally wraps his warming arms around you to dry you completely of all the darkness and winter gloom. And when the last of your dark clouds burns off and the dazzling light of your new day is revealed, you are able to walk out on new ground into the fresh aroma of your Spring day with the sun glowing on your face beneath a clear bright sky. You'll have no choice but to just rejoice and thank God that you made it through the storm and that your sun has returned.
Worship Crusade Ministries International "Yet a time is coming and has now come when the TRUE WORSHIPPER will worship the FATHER in SPIRIT and TRUTH, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father SEEKS" John 4:23-24 NIV Gerard Davis is Executive Director and Founder of Worship Crusade Ministries International. Our purpose; our business; our assignment is John 4:23. To be a worshipper simply means to be a server. We are charged with the work of encouraging every believer to become a server of The Living God. We accomplish this Ministry of service by focusing on what Jesus Himself proclaimed would identify a true server of God: Spirit and Truth...
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