Wednesday, 30 December 2020

The Three Levels Of Focus

 By Willie Horton | Submitted On April 15, 2011

From talking with my personal development clients, I've discovered that there are almost as many versions of what focus is as there are people! Authors like Ekhart Tolle explain that focus is all about tapping into 'The Power of Now' ' that focus on what you're doing will lead to happiness and success. And, sure, you can see that in action on your TV screens. Watch how top sports people focus on just the task in hand and how they even have routines or silly rituals to get them in 'the zone' to be at their most effective. But this 'here and now focus' is only a small part of a much bigger picture. Those guys on the sports channels haven't got there by just focusing on whatever they happen to be doing in whatever here and now they find themselves in. To be successful, focus needs direction and all these guys are driven by what I might describe as strategic focus. Like onions, focus has layers! Through my work with my clients on my personal development workshops, I have come to the conclusion that there are three levels or layers to becoming truly focused - and three steps that you must take to enable you learn how to focus and direct that focus in a productive way. 

Strategic Focus Simply focusing on the present moment is highly rewarding - research confirms that those who know how to do it are effective and productive and, as a result, happy and content. But, whilst only focusing on the present moment produces those kinds of results, a life of focusing on now can lead to an existence of aimless bliss. I've no problem with bliss - it needs to become and integral part of everybody's daily life. However, I do see a major problem with wandering around aimlessly. If you're like me, you've got to put bread on the table each and every evening - in other words, your focus must be practical. If you're like me, you've other people depending on you to be practical - so some altered state of mind bliss is simply not on. What I'm saying is that your moment to moment focus - which I'll deal with later on in this article - needs direction. You'll find that this direction is often refereed to as goal-setting. However, the problem with goals is that they might just result in your living a life of perpetual dissatisfied expectation. Of course, that presupposes that you've actually established the correct goals! As normal people, we've little or no perspective on what is best for us, so it's best not to cast your goals in stone. Give some expectation the power to make you happy and, by definition, if you don't get it you'll be unhappy! In other words, you've got to focus your mind on how you'd feel when you've 'got it all' - whatever 'it all' might be - what it would look like, feel like and sound like to be on the right life path - whatever your very own personal 'right path' might be. 

To put it another way, you should make sure that your focus at a strategic level is touchy-feely - captivating your subconscious mind with an excitement that drives you to be more and more focused on a daily basis or, ultimately, on a moment to moment basis. Regularly paint these touchy-feely mental pictures for yourself by handwriting them often. They should be handwritten - because handwriting captives and motivates the subconscious mind. This is how you should set your strategic focus. 12/27/2020 The Three Levels Of Focus 2/2 Operational Focus Once your subconscious mind knows the direction you're headed, you need to get your head around the important things that you need to do today. There's a world of difference between important and urgent - and, all too often, we find ourselves being overwhelmed by the urgent to the extent that we're left with no time to do the important. Or, even worse, we waste our time - reading emails that nobody was meant to read, gossiping with others about bad news, channel-hopping, talking nonsense on Facebook - you name it, we're great at finding ways to do things that are totally unconnected to the life that we want to have.

 Operational focus means that you know the difference between doing the right thing and wasting your time and energy. You'll only realize whether or not you're doing the right thing if you stop yourself at various points during the day and ask yourself the question: "Am I doing the right thing?" If you are cool! If you're not, stop it and start doing the right thing! Task-Based Focus Once you're doing the right thing, you need to do it right! All too often, when we set about doing the right thing, we get easily knocked off course - by distraction, by others wanting to waste our time, by taking on other people's problems, by not saying 'no'. Task-based focus is all about fully immersing yourself in whatever it is you're doing. Unfortunately, for the normal mind, this is not something that comes naturally. In fact, it seems to only happen by accident on the very odd occasion that you find time flying because you're actually having fun. 

You need to learn how to focus moment to moment. By far the best way of learning to pay undivided attention to the present moment is meditation. Meditation disciplines an otherwise undisciplined normal mind. When you meditate, you engross yourself in what some or all of your five senses are telling you - in effect, you discover how easy it is to simply turn off distraction and become exceptionally focused. In other words, the right thing to be doing every morning - the one thing that will ensure that your day is directed by your strategic focus - is to meditate. Copyright (c) 2011 Willie Horton Willie Horton launched his now acclaimed Personal Development Seminars in 1996. His clients include Pfizer, Deloitte, Nestle, KPMG, G4S & Allergan. His Personal Development Workshops are now online, together with hundreds or 'quick tip' articles and videos, at Gurdy.Net, Willie's Personal Development Website. 

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Tuesday, 29 December 2020

10 Best Ideas | The ONE Thing | Gary Keller | Book Summary

How To Make Money By Finding Your Abundance

 By Scott Hogue | Submitted On October 18, 2015

There is an ancient saying about abundance and it goes like this, "From abundance he took abundance and abundance remained." If you are living in scarcity with the bills piling up this may sound like a fairy tale, but I assure you it is possible. I was as skeptical as anyone in the beginning, but eventually I saw the light. Let us examine your natural abundance together and see if I can change your mind or at least add to your options. Our Universe, Your Universe The following quote is attributed to Einstein and is part of a larger article he wrote on the nature of our universe, "The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe." If I might take a little liberty with his quote and reword it for our purposes here I might say, "The most important decision we can make about our world is whether we believe we live in an abundant universe or a universe full of scarcity." You may have noticed my statement contains a bit of a contradiction. How can a universe without abundance be full of scarcity? Did I say fullness and scarcity in the same sentence? Commonsense tells us they don't exist together; emptiness goes with scarcity and our senses agree. Who can see the end of the universe? How can we count the drops of water in the oceans? What are the heights that mankind can attain? No one knows the answer to these questions. 

These and many other things are too great for us to know. I would even say they are too abundant to count or measure. We live in an abundant universe, but many people live only in a small corner of it. There is no scarcity in the universe, only scarcity in our thinking and scarcity thinking creates scarcity in our personal wealth. Change your thinking and that changes your actions and those new actions change your results. Where Are You Mining? So you might be having a bit of financial trouble these days, it happens at times to all of us. Perhaps you are doing pretty well, but you want to do better. In either case my question is, "Where are you mining?" Where are you digging for financial wealth? You might think of your cash flow as being like rich ore moving along on the conveyor of a mine as it head to the market place. When the ore is flowing out of the mine you know the miners are mining in a place where there is an abundance of ore. When the ore stops flowing you know they are mining in a place where ore is scarce, even nonexistent. If your cash flow is scarce then you are mining in an area of scarcity in your life. If you want to increase your cash flow and income you have to move your mining equipment and your efforts to a place of abundance. Abundance In The Marketplace 12/27/2020 How To Make Money By Finding Your Abundance 2/4 One of my businesses is a vending business. When I started it didn't take me long to learn without people you don't have much of a vending business. If you want to reap financial wealth through vending you had better be mining where there are hungry people with a few coins in their pockets. After I had placed all of the vending machines I had bought to start my business, the next step I took was to start moving the under performing ones to better locations. When I looked for new locations the first thing I looked for was hungry people, lots of hungry people. Just moving a few vending machines to better locations with more hungry people nearly doubled my income with the same number of machines.

 I was mining in a richer area and it made me richer. When we are vacationing in the Smoky Mountains there is a fast food restaurant just beside an attraction my wife and I go to when we are in the area. It is a big attraction and it is always full of people with people standing in line to get in. Guess what else is always full with people standing in line? It is that fast food restaurant nearby. I seriously doubt they do any advertising. I have seen lines of people standing outside the building waiting to get in and spend their money while it was pouring the rain. The attraction does the advertising and the restaurant just opened where the mining was good, it was excellent in fact. There is no guarantee that if you build it they will come. However if they are already coming it is a good place to build. If you want to reap abundantly then match your skills or products with the marketplace. Look for people that are "hungry" for what you have or do and look for lots of them! All things considered, one hungry client is good, but two are better and if people are standing in line to get in you are seeing abundance in action. We All Have Areas Of Abundance And Scarcity Baseball fans know that Babe Ruth was one of the greats in baseball, but how do you think he would do in a Double Dutch Jump Rope Competition? I would imagine he would do poorly. Why would Babe Ruth be such a great baseball player and such a poor Double Dutch Jump Rope competitor? Because when he was playing baseball he would be mining from his abundance, but competing with a jump rope would most likely be an area of scarcity for him and his results would reflect that. I doubt Babe was any good at needlepoint either, but he didn't have to be. Babe could buy or hire anything wanted because he was good at playing baseball and good at mining his abundance. You may not realize it, but in this respect you are just like Babe Ruth, you have areas of scarcity and areas of abundance.

 You might be thinking you were never good at sports. That might be true, but after decades of working with people I am convinced there is something you are good at doing or something you could be good at doing if you had a chance. The chances are excellent that there is something you could excel at doing. If you don't know what that thing is then put on your walking shoes and start hunting. Finding Your Abundance My oldest son hates math. I now realize it is because of a certain teacher he had in grade school, but it is a little late to do anything about it now. From the fifth grade on his math grade was always the worst on his report card. On the other hand he loved to read, he did well in his English classes and loved classic literature. Here is a funny thing about that, he was poor in math, but he could tell you the year Mary Shelley published her novel Frankenstein (1818) how many copies were printed the for the first edition (don't ask me) the year of the second edition (1823) and the year it was revised and reprinted (1831). What is strange about that? All of that information has to do with numbers. You know, numbers as in math. My son couldn't remember the first digit of the number for pi or for that matter how many pies were on the kitchen table, but he could remember any number when it pertained to something that interested him. It may sound strange, but he isn't any different than the rest of us on that. If we are interested we are engaged and that includes engaging your mental faculties. Your talents will be found where your interests are. 

My youngest daughter really struggled in school. It wasn't because she wasn't talented, it was because she wasn't interested. If she had struggled as hard to do the school work as she did to get out of doing the school work she would have broken academic records. Yes, her mother and I became the homework police and it seemed she was always in homework jail. Years later she went back to school in the medical field where she was in competition with this other young lady in the class for top honors. On one test this other young lady would make the highest grade in the class and then on the next test my daughter would get the highest score. How could that be? Was this the same girl that hid her report card from her parents every grading period? I looked her over and decided this really was my daughter, but now she was mining in an area of her abundance instead of an area of scarcity for her. What made the difference? She was interested in her medical training and had a desire to do well. 12/27/2020 How To Make Money By Finding Your Abundance 3/4 Her interest had created her abundance. This girl that couldn't spell whale in school could now spell the names of bones I didn't know we had and tell you how they are connected! Make a list of things you like, things you like to do, things you enjoy, things that interest you. Take a few days and make a pretty complete list. Now put some thought into how you could incorporate a few of those things into something people will pay for. Maybe there is a way that already exists to do this. Maybe you will have to create your own way to do it and if that is the case imagine that too. Do this several times with several combinations of your interests and likes. One combination will soon stand out as a way to serve a number of people for an abundant amount of money. If you need money, training, schooling or certification to do it, then go out and get it! I had lost my job when I started the vending business. I had to borrow the money to start it. I went to a banker with the numbers I had come up with on the business, but I had no collateral and not much of a credit history. The banker looked over the numbers and said this, "If you have the numbers, you have the money." He meant if the project would pay out he would loan me the money to do it; it was only a matter of working out the details.

 I am saying if you have the interest, then you have abundance; it is only a matter of working out the details. The Deciding Vote I have a favorite quote from Henry Ford and it goes like this, "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you are right." You decide if there is abundance or scarcity in your life, you cast the deciding vote. I can understand if you doubt it, but I assure you that statement is true. In 2006 I met a poor young man that would not take no for an answer and I returned five years later to see him prospering in one of the poorest countries in Africa. What was different about this man that gave him abundance in a land where so many have so little? Certainly not his circumstances, his father died while he was young, he had no formal education, he supported his mother and sister and the first time I saw him he had only the clothes on his back. Five years later he had a chain of small stores, a house better than most and a car to drive. The reason? The man cast his vote for himself, believing that abundance for him was possible and equipped with that knowledge he went to work finding a good place to mine. For goodness sake when it is time for you to vote, vote for you and your success! The Law Of Attraction You hear a lot about attracting wealth. I agree that you can attract wealth, but I find it is a bit different than commonly advertised. You don't just sit on your couch and think about wealth. Do that long enough and they will come and get your couch! We don't attract what we want, we attract what we are. If your nature is a begrudging one and you are convinced that you are doomed to a life of scarcity guess what you will attract? You will attract only more scarcity with a side helping of doom and gloom. Think about it, given a choice would you promote a person like that? Who would you want to work with or spend your money with, the person that is cheerful and thinks abundantly or the person that thinks there isn't enough to go around, spreads doom and gloom and barks at anyone that suggests the sun might shine? The cheerful and positive person wins in that contest every time. Think abundantly, act abundantly, serve with abundance and you will soon find more abundance, since you attract what you are you will literally attract it. Live abundance and you will attract abundance. Show a little persistence, since it takes the mail a little while to deliver, but it is on the way! Here is a verse from the good book on attraction: Luke 6:38 KJV Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. What To Do To Find Abundance My father would sometimes come home with these delicious wild mushrooms. Where did he get them? He found them in the woods.

 How did he find them? He looked for them. He found a lot more of them when he looked for them than when he didn't look for them. I find that works with everything. Look for your abundance. Start with your interests and your hobbies. Maybe you like people. That could be worth six figures in income or even more as a salesperson. You could make a very good living mining your desire to help people by helping 12/27/2020 How To Make Money By Finding Your Abundance 4/4 them find the exact thing they are looking for through sales. It could be worth the same in the medical field helping people recover from illnesses. People pay for people to help them, that alone is enough for me to like people! Have you ever heard of someone that had a million dollar smile? For a movie star or a politician that smile could be worth a million dollars, even millions of dollars, but if they never mine it and stay behind closed doors that rich ore will never get to market. Where are you hiding your fortune? What million dollar interest or talent do you have that you are hiding away while you scrape by financially? Happiness Pays Surveys indicate that about 70% of Americans don't like their jobs. The number is similar in other modern countries. How much abundance do you think these people will find in a job they don't like? I wondered about that and found other surveys that indicate the people that are the happiest in their jobs are some of the highest paid people in the workforce. I know there are people that enjoy their volunteer work or their low paying job where they can serve others and that is great, I am just saying that if you are looking for money we know that financial rewards and long term success goes along with happiness. What To Do Next So if you are looking for abundance what do you do next? Start literally living abundance and you will attract abundance. Be abundantly happy to help people and some of them will be happy to help you find abundance, not all, but enough. Believe in an abundant universe where there is plenty for you and you will see that is true. 

When it comes time to vote, then vote for you by believing you can do whatever task is in front of you. Most of all, look for your abundance in your interests and the things you enjoy. If you do these things I know I will soon be hearing your story of abundance. If you would like to learn more about making money and building wealth I am pleased to offer you my new eBook, "Empty Pockets" as a free resource. It is a book covering the reasons most people are not wealthy and how to fix them. Just click on the link: Empty Pockets for more information. You will also find more free resources and a few offers on my list. My website is: I not only do coaching in the area of wealth, I am a Strategic Life Coach and as my schedule permits I offer a no obligation coaching experience to show you the value of coaching in areas of life from wealth and health to relationships and careers for people from all walks of life.

 Allow me to help you achieve your goals and change your life. Just click on the website to contact me and schedule your coaching experience as my schedule permits. There will be no expense to you, the appointment and materials for this introductory session are all on me. Best and be blest, Scott Hogue The Strategic Life Coach Disclaimer: In any area where there is risk you must consult a professional in that field that knows your unique circumstances. Scott Hogue is an educator and does not offer professional advice. If you chose to use any information provided you proceed at your own risk. Any companies or trademarks mentioned in this article are the property of the owners and any reference to them is not to be considered an endorsement of the author or article and neither does the author endorse them.

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Monday, 28 December 2020

As you THINK, So Shall You BE! | Wayne Dyer | Top 10 Rules

Becoming an Influencer in Your Industry

 By Michael Cohn | Submitted On February 26, 2018

You undoubtedly hear the term, "influencer" from different people in business. You have probably surmised that not only are influencers important for your business but you might have also concluded that being an influencer yourself is something that will help you to bring your business to the next level. Why influencers are so critical to your business Well, the truth is that there are many different reasons why influencers are important for you professionally. Influencers bring credibility (beyond the credibility that you have established yourself for your business) that only they can bring. With credibility comes trust and a position at the top of the food chain as subject matter expert. Okay, you are probably convinced that influencers are important for your business. However, now it is time for you to understand why you should also become an influencer and how you go about making that happen. At this point, you are probably wondering exactly you go about becoming an influencer. Well, there are some definitive steps that you can follow to get there. 

However, it is important for you to realize at this juncture that it will not happen overnight. It will take some time and effort for you to become the influencer that you want to be. Embrace the concept of influencer: An influencer is a person who carries a great deal of credibility with him or her. That person has a very positive impact on the niche and, subsequently, your brand. Influencers also come with followers (an entourage, of sorts). Followers can come in various forms, such as people who consistently read blogs that the influencer has shared or people who interact regularly with that influencer. At the same time, influencers can come in various shapes and sizes. The one thing that all influencers have in common is that they all have the ability to influence other people. In other words, they are very powerful people and they should not be dismissed as anything short of that. Influencers have presence and their word carries weight. You can consider them authority figures. They are the gold standard on which you should base your business approach. 

The truth is that you are not the only person who recognizes the value of influencers. Other people understand and embrace their value as well. Concentrate on your niche: As you start to take steps to become an influencer, the first thing that you need to do is to determine exactly where you want your influence to live. That decision will be based on exactly where your passions lie. If you choose to be an influencer in an area that doesn't really touch you deeply, you will not be able to pull it off. If you haven't been able to convince yourself of your commitment and passion, exactly how do you expect other people to be convinced of your commitment and passion. It is really that simple. However, it is really important that you are closely associated with your niche so that other people can associate you with that niche as well. In fact, that is an important part of your branding. You want to steer clear of speaking about other things. You want to be associated with your niche only. Otherwise, your influencer status will be diluted and you will not be perceived an expert of anything. 12/27/2020 Becoming an Influencer in Your Industry 2/2 Give other people the benefit of your knowledge: The truth is that it is one thing to be knowledgeable (even to go so far as to be an expert in your niche) but it is another thing entirely (and much more of a gift) to be able to teach someone else what you know so that the other person can grow professionally because of it. 

Whether or not you can achieve that is a true test of your influencer status. In this context (with all of the online interactions that you have for your business), the best (and probably the only) way to do that is by sharing content (in whichever form(s) you choose to share. A good way to accomplish that is by posting blogs, videos, newsletters, etc.Another great way to share your knowledge is through online discussions that are relevant and compelling to other people. Remember to pay close attention to your social media profiles at all time. You don't want them to be static. You want to update your status on the various social media profiles and keep people in your social circles close to you so that you can grow your relationships with them. Offer your opinion to other people: Everyone loves to know that their opinions and their feelings matter. As an infuencer, that is even more important for you and for your business. There is no such thing as a silent influencer. It is a contradiction in terms. The more you engage people, the more they will get to know who you are and what you know. Both of those are essential to your continued success. It is not as though you are going to be twisting anyone's arm when it comes to getting them to engage with you. They will be willing participants, as long as the interactions interest them. You just have to make sure that it is always the case. As an influencer, you will be able to achieve that easily. Even if you are not an influencer yet but are on your way to becoming one, that approach will serve you well. Network until you drop: Networking has always been and will always be an important part of the business process.

 The two possible ways that you can network are in person and online. Of course, it doesn't have to be one or the other. You can also network in both ways. Only you can determine which approach works best for your particular business. At the heart of networking success are the relationships themselves. The truth is that not everyone can (or will) take the time to attend networking events so you need to be flexible enough to make it work with the other person. If you network consistently with people, they will get to know you and the will start to trust you, find you credible, and you will be top of mind whenever they need what you happen to be offering. Recognize the importance of engagement: Engaging your target audience is so important for you. Without engagement, you will be stopped in your tracks. However, you have the power to prevent that from happening. With everything that you have to offer, whether you are an influencer already or you are on your way to becoming an influencer, other people will want to be around you and to bask in the glory of all that you have to offer. Conclusion Influencers are extremely important in the professional world and it will be well worth the time and effort that you have to put into it to become an influencer yourself. People will respect what you have to say and they will turn to you for the answers that they don't feel they are qualified to come up with themselves. 

Make sure that you make your influencer interactions an integral part of your social media marketing strategy. It should be one of the building blocks of your business' foundation. You will hold a position of esteem in your social communities and your business will benefit from all of your hard work. In a world where it is more challenging than ever to grab other people's attention, your influencer status will attract those people and keep them with you. Michael Cohn is the founder and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of CompuKol Communications. He has over 25 years of experience in IT and web technologies. Mr. Cohn spent a significant amount of time at a major telecommunications company, where his main focus was on initiating and leading synergy efforts across all business units by dramatically improving efficiency, online collaboration, and the company's Intranet capabilities, which accelerated gains in business productivity.

 He also reduced company travel and travel costs by introducing and implementing various collaboration technologies. His expertise includes business analysis; project management; management of global cross-matrix teams; systems engineering and analysis, architecture, prototyping and integration; technology evaluation and assessment; systems development; performance evaluation; and management of off-shore development. Mr. Cohn earned a Master's degree in project management from George Washington University in Washington, DC; and a Master's degree in computer science and a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, NJ. Mr. Cohn is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). 

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Wednesday, 23 December 2020

Need Help Writing A Speech?

 By Mary Held | Submitted On November 29, 2012

When you need help writing a speech, it's a problem shared by many. Many people seek help writing and delivering their speeches so that they can combat fear, and reap the rewards of giving an outstanding speech. When people need help but don't get it, the results are poor presentation, lack of enthusiasm from the audience, and the end result can be detrimental. Getting help writing a speech actually assuages your fears of getting in front of a group of your peers and having all eyes on you. Speech coaching gives you the courage to step into your role as a public speaker. 

When you get the help you need, you are more likely to achieve the results you are wanting with your speech. As an award winning speaker, professional speech coach, and professional speech writer, I know the ins and outs of giving exceptional speeches. I can help you write a speech that will stand out for a lifetime in the minds of those who hear it, and assist you to achieve the goal your speech aims for. Secret #1. Start your speech strong. Find a way to get your audience's attention. Sometimes, if your goal is to get your audience to take action, specifically if you are persuading your audience, starting with a good joke will force your audience to drop their guard. Once they drop their guard by laughing, their minds are open to receive your message. 

Alternatively, if the goal of your speech is to inspire your audience or cause them to think, starting with a thought provoking quote might be considered best. Secret #2. Get A Mentor. Professional help from a qualified speech coach goes a long way in assisting you to achieve the results you are aiming for. Whether you are trying to persuade your audience to buy a product or service... or you are entertaining a wedding party, every speech follows a basic simple formula, and a great speech coach will be able to teach you that formula for success. Secret #3. End Strong. When you start strong, you must end with equal strength to deliver the finale of a truly unforgettable speech. Imagine a speech that grabs the audience's attention, fascinates them through the whole speech, and then ends with a phenomenal statement causing a standing ovation. That is the kind of speech to aim for. 

When you have a speech to give, it's best to get professional help... and sooner rather than later. If you get help right away, you are more apt to get the speech written, edited, and practiced thoroughly in time to deliver the speech to your audience. It's crucial to seek help as soon as possible, because a truly phenomenal speech won't be written, edited, and memorized in one day. A great professional might be able to pull it off, but the best speeches have at least a week of brainstorming, writing, editing and practicing. Seek a professional speech coach right away if you have a speech coming up! Mary Moore is an award winning speaker, professional speech coach, and professional speech writer. For a Free Special Report on the Insider's Secrets To Giving An Unforgettable Speech, visit: [] 12/21/2020 Need Help Writing A Speech? 2/2

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Tuesday, 22 December 2020

One of the Greatest Speeches Ever | Jeff Bezos

Managing Change Effectively

 By Michael G Thomas | Submitted On December 06, 2013

At some point or another, everyone must learn about managing change effectively. It is such a good feeling to have a solid plan in mind for your future. Maybe you are in school working toward a degree; maybe you are saving to buy your dream house. In any case, you weren't planning for any major detours in your life. Effectively managing change can be the difference between thriving in spite of the change and falling apart because you can't adapt to changes in your plans. When your path towards the future changes, clinging to what you had can be one of the biggest detriments to moving on. You must search for a new goal or a new way to achieve it. Failing to accept the change, will also hinder your ability to see what the future will truly look like. Cut out Negativity Another roadblock people face when they are trying to manage change is negative people. Combating the influences of people around you that can't accept change, is almost as difficult as fighting those feelings in yourself. Change management sometimes involves limiting your interaction with these people or cutting them out of your life entirely.

 This can be difficult, especially if these people are your family or close friends, but if they can't support your new outlook on life, then they are holding you back. Prepare for Changes Some changes come suddenly, like an illness or accident, but you can prepare yourself for other changes by continually reassessing your situation and being proactive when you discover signs of change. If you start seeing the signs of change coming, try to change it. If you can't change it, then you can prepare for it or at least understand how proper change management can affect the outcome of a situation. Channel Your Energy Being bogged down with feelings of how unfair it is prevents you from using your energy to formulate a new goal. The change probably is unfair; good people die, get sick, and lose their jobs. Unfortunately, the relative unfairness of a situation does not ease its effects; but the way you manage change and accept it, can turn an unfair event into a blessing. 

Many people see unplanned negative events as unfair because they feel a sense of entitlement; that they deserve a perfect life; but the fact is that almost everyone faces situations that derail their perfect plans. Your method of managing change dictates how you let the situation change your life. Instead of focusing on what you have lost and hoping for things to change back to the way they were, focus on your goal, attaining it, and the new way you're going to get there. Imagine yourself achieving your goals and keep your mind occupied with the rewards of the future, rather than wishing that the change never happened. It won't be easy, planning for the future wasn't easy the first time, and this time will surely be harder. is the first step to re-calibrating your goals and methods in a direction that suits the current situation. Change Management Includes Overcoming Fear The fear of the unknown is yet another barrier to effectively managing change and re-designing your plans for life. 

You may fail! Part of the joy of achieving a goal is the uncertainty felt on the journey. Re-formulating your plans may be a scary decision because there is no guarantee you will succeed, but you will almost certainly fail if you do not acknowledge the change and start working on alternative ways to get what you want. Here are some tips that can help you in managing change: 12/21/2020 Managing Change Effectively 2/2 Anticipate change-be ready for anything! Monitor change-keep assessing your situation, so you aren't suddenly surprised by a change Adapt quickly to change-time spent wishing things didn't change is time you could have spent working towards a new goal Remember these tips for managing change because things can change again! Change management can be difficult; but realizing the daunting task ahead of you may be the most difficult part. Once you throw yourself knowingly into your new reality, and stop being afraid of the change and how to handle it, you will feel good. Effectively managing change will offer you a better chance to enjoy your life! I hope you have found this uplifting. We all deserve to live a more meaningful, healthy and prosperous lifes! I have dedicated this article and a whole blog to this cause. 

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Monday, 21 December 2020

This Is Why You Don't Succeed - Simon Sinek on The Millennial Generation

Discipline For Development

 By Oluwafemi Roya | Submitted On August 02, 2010

"Academic discipline is studying when you are supposed to study, even when you do not feel like to study" As a student you need academic success, you want un-stressful success, it is not a great task, it is very simple but tactical. -Things that serve as the prerequisite for success in academics 1. Discipline - Charity begins at home is one constant often said adage. The amount of discipline you imbibe into your being determines your achievement. Discipline is the act of changing bad characters in you and replacing them with good ones that will be of help to you. To be disciplined, you have to be able to forgo some things, you have to be able to endure and be able to manage efficiently. As a high school student you have a little money that you have planned to use to buy an iPod and a new workbook has just been brought to your class by your teacher. The discipline must be there that I need this book more than this iPod, then I should buy this one even without the knowledge of my parents. An undergraduate in which your parent affordable gave you N5000 to use for a month then, that discipline of wise spending should be there, 

I need to manage this money should constantly be in your mind. Then you have installed discipline in the highest order to yourself. Discipline to be over-emphasized is in many phases, you can discipline any part of your body, and you can discipline your eyes to avoid lust-able things. You can discipline your mouth not to talk too much or not to say malicious thing/slander. You can discipline your hands to always profit you. Discipline your legs not to walk aimlessly, discipline your brain, to enhance your IQ. Discipline your stomach not to take much food. Discipline your heart to hear to hear profitable things. Discipline can be imbibed in many areas. -Discipline of ones eyes to avoid lust-able things Eyes can be used to see, it can see both far and near objects unless if otherwise. It can see human and many other things. With your eyes, you can read your book effectively. Taking disciplinary action on your eyes not to strenuously look at a female is not a big task, because it will go a long way to help you not to commit sin to your GOD and not to destroy your life at the early stage. -Discipline of one's mouth One can discipline his mouth to avoid the wrath of GOD, in what sense? By talking sensibly and avoiding length words.

 In multitude of words a man sin, one can implicate him/herself by talking too much, you might not even know. Discipline of one's leg 12/20/2020 Discipline For Development 2/2 I will discipline my leg not to walk to my enemy's house. In your hostel, as an undergraduate, you are not restricted from going out. Then you must discipline yourself not to over-use your freedom, stay indoor. Walking aimlessly can cause one to fall sick, since the leg is not a stick, it is better to discipline your leg. Try to work in "GODS geometry"-from class to library and to hostel. -Discipline your ears An ear listens and also hears, your ear can hear impromptu, but it is then, you listen patiently if it is important. Listening to worldly music cannot profit you, listening to corrupt languages from friends cannot profit you, listening to bad messages is unprofitable, it is then, you discipline your ears to hear good things and listen to them. -Discipline your stomach Stomach attracts food a lot, when you eat, eat and eat, you are not eating free of charge, then you are a glutton, a covetous fellow, a greedy man, you want to eat the whole of the world. You spend the whole of your allowances eating without saving on you, you are an empty balloon. 

Discipline your stomach to eat little and nutritious food, do not live to eat but eat to live. -Discipline your brain Brain works hand in hand with your body system. When what is in your brain is nothing to write home about, you have low IQ. Then discipline sets in, you have the power to control your brain, do not let people deceive you. After GOD, you are in charge of your life. Do not let devil rule it for you. All I have been explaining so far do not count it trivial or being a child's play, discipline in it real sense is a very important asset to success, proper management of it can give you a chance of making ahead than your course mate or class mate. It takes discipline to run the race of life - word for food. Oluwafemi Roya 

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Friday, 18 December 2020

Rich Dad Mentality Vs Poor Dad Mentality

 By Marelisa Fabrega | Submitted On March 04, 2008

This is the second in a series of articles based on the groundbreaking best-seller "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" written by Robert Kiyosaki. As stated in the first article, the book compares the mindset of Kiyosaki's father-who held several degrees and an important position in the government, but struggled financially--, with the mindset of his best friend's father-who never even finished high school but left his son a financial empire. In his book, Kiyosaki explains that the mindset held by each of these two men, his "poor dad" and his "rich dad", was largely responsible for each man's financial destiny.

 The following quote by T. Harv Eker, author of "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind", refers to the concept of a rich person's mindset: "Rich people have a way of thinking that is different from poor and middle class people. They think differently about money, wealth, themselves, other people, and life." Kiyosaki expounds this same principle in "Rich Dad, Poor Dad". Below you will find seven mayor differences between the "poor dad" and the "rich dad" mentality: 1. The "poor dad" mentality states that your wealth depends on your family of origin. That is, to be rich you have to be born rich. "Rich dad" espoused the view that being rich or poor is something that you learn. 

You can learn to think in ways that will support you, and you can raise your financial IQ by reading books on finance, talking to financially successful people, and attending seminars and lectures. When you have the right belief system and the necessary knowledge on how to create, build, and protect wealth, you will become rich even if you were not born into a wealthy family. 2. "Rich dad" taught Kiyosaki that he should get a job to learn and to acquire the necessary skills so that he could go on to start his own business. "Poor dad" saw his job as his source of income for life. While "rich dad" taught Kiyosaki to strive to become financially independent, "poor dad" taught him to depend on his employer for his financial well being. 3. When faced with an opportunity, "rich dad" would ask himself: "How can I afford this?" This forced his mind to think and to come up with creative solutions to be able to take advantage of the opportunity that had presented itself.

 Instead, when presented with an opportunity, "poor dad" would dismiss it by saying: "It's too bad I can't afford this." 4. While "poor dad" stressed scholastic education, "rich dad" always stressed financial education. 5. For "rich dad" the main cause of poverty or financial struggle was self-inflicted fear and ignorance. "Poor dad" blamed the economy and the job market. That is, "rich dad" always took responsibility for himself and felt that he created his circumstances, while "poor dad" often felt like a victim of the outside world. 6. As for risk taking, "rich dad" taught Kiyosaki to learn to manage risk. "Poor dad" taught him that when it came to money, risk was something that should be avoided and to always play it safe. 7. "Rich dad" taught Kiyosaki that failing was simply part of the process and that he should learn from his mistakes and move on. "Poor dad" attached great stigma to failure and was therefore afraid of making mistakes. 12/14/2020 Rich Dad Mentality Vs Poor Dad Mentality 2/2 Study the seven examples above in order to begin to develop a clear concept of the difference between a rich and a poor mindset. You can find out more on how rich people think by reading books such as those found in the "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" series and by talking to people who have succeeded financially. Written by Marelisa Fábrega who blogs at 

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Thursday, 17 December 2020


Change Happens

By Gerard A. Davis | Submitted On January 24, 2014

CLOUDY DAYS, for many people are dreadful. We call it a "grey" day; its when the day is blanketed by heavy clouds and there's often lingering moisture in the air. It's "drewy" which could mean there's a chance of showers; or possibly not. We watch the weather forecast intently because we want to know, "Is it going to rain?" A single day of rain ruins special occasions; wrecks favorite outfits and destroys brand new hair styles all in the blink of an eye. Rain can also cause minor damage in just a day's time; or great disaster if it comes in abundance for several days. In Genesis 7, God used massive amounts of rain to destroy all inhabitants of the Earth so that He could begin civilization over again. The devastation took God only 40-days to dispense; but the Earth spent over a year in recovery. Grey, cloudy days mean more than the threat of physical damage. Overcast has the ability to dampen the human spirit. An online Science & Mathmatics forum revealed that a large number of Americans feel tired and drained when there is dark overcast.

 Participants of the study used words such as, "colorless", "bland", "cold", "grey" and "sad" when describing their feelings about cloudy days. Many reported that overcast makes them feel angry, irritated, and frustrated for no apparent reason. The study concluded that overcast is associated with "darkness" and "gloomyness" not just because of the color of the sky, but also depending on each persons psychological connotations to facing the "unknown". When clouds turn to rain, people instinctively protect themselves as if the rain were painful; everyone "shelters-in-place". While it rains, sidewalks are clear. Playgrounds, parks and many parking lots are empty. Anyone who can get inside goes inside. But when the clouds break, the brilliant rays of a glorious sun peak their warming arms through the gloom and everything suddenly feels better. When the sun burns off the last of those murky clouds and finally shines its dazzling face on a battered earth, a new day is revealed. The ground even smells new. You're able to walk into the freshness of a renewed day. And you can't help but look towards heaven and be thankful that God has brought the sunshine once again. Described above is the very essence of this word "CHANGE". Every creation under heaven will experience it. First you have an uncloudy day; which denotes consistency, uniformity and happiness. Then, at some point, clouds begin to form, which represent alteration and transition in your life.

 Clouds thicken to the point where they cover the sun which marks the beginning of transformation. Next, darkness resides which signifies fear of the unknown. And finally, rain. Rain is CHANGE. Critics agree that change is good in the same way that rain is good. I mean, things can not remain the same way forever. A human being begins life as a fetus and ends it as a senior citizen; that in and of itself means change. Attitudes change. Styles change. People change. This country is in the middle of a change as we speak. When your hair begins to feel monotonous, 12/14/2020 Change Happens 2/3 the best thing to do is make a change. When you get tired of the way your house looks on the inside or the out, make a change. If you ever want to get more out of life, it's a guarantee that you will have to take a close look at who you are and what it is that you do, then make a serious CHANGE. And you will CHANGE; whether you like it or not. But, here's the thing about change: It's hard to change. Change is not just the passing of time. Change, by definition, means to make the form, nature, content or future course of something different from what it would be if left alone. That means change is most often a process. Sometimes it's a short and pleasant process which happens overnight without even your realizing; such as hair growing. But more often than not, it's a hard, agonizing, stressful, painful process that your not even sure you want to happen and literally seems to take forever; such as hair changing from its natural color to "salt & pepper" grey; then to white... then gone never to return. 

Change is hard because most things which change are things that have been a certain way for the majority of your life. It's hard to stop eating fatty food when you've been feeding yourself fatty foods since High School. It's hard to stop cussing when you've been cussing since elementary. It's hard to quite smoking when even watching TV makes you want a cigarette. It's hard to think positively when everyone you've ever known thought negatively and taught you to think negatively and when you did finally think positively it ended up hurting you. Change is hard because even at times when the change is for the best it's still a long hard process. Just ask the caterpillar. Ask him while he's in that cocoon experiencing his own death and simultaneous birth in order to emerge as a butterfly if the thought of fluttering through the air from flower to flower eases the pain of what ever is happening in that dark, isolated enclosure. Maybe for a caterpillar, it does; but for the psyche of a human, the fact that you will benefit at the end of a change is not much consolation during the change. The worst part about change is, many times you will feel you've finally changed only to find yourself right back in the same predicament that you swore you had changed from a short time later. 

The question you will immediately ask yourself is; "does this mean I didn't really change?" "Did I only fool myself into thinking that I changed but I'm actually exactly the same?" Or, "did my changes fail to take hold and all my work trying to change was in vain?" The answer: You did in fact change... But because the process isn't over, it will temporarily appear that you've changed back. Finding yourself facing the same situation requiring the same changes doesn't mean your change failed. It simply means there is still a lot more changing left to do! Change, for most people is dreadful; but, you will survive. The critical thing to remember during a change is that the sun has not left; you just can't see it. The sun was in the sky before the clouds took over and the sun will return after. Meaning, the level of happiness and contentment you once enjoyed still exists; it's just covered by the pain and frustration of that long, tedious changing process. 

You may not be able to see yourself ever being happy again because of what you're experiencing. But these changes are not a sign that there is something wrong with you; they are simply the tool God is using to fix your atmosphere and provide a knew civilization FOR you. Soon you'll emerge from this process as a new creature and enjoy a fresh, new day. The only thing that will remain the same forever is God. God does not change; why would He need to? But everything else does. The presence of change in your life is not a warning that you are doing something wrong. In fact, its the opposite. Change is your assurance that things will not remain as they have been. The rainy, gloomy, stressful, depressing days will subside. Sunny, bright and consistently happier situations will return! I believe that the worst is already over for you. I'm praying that you receive your new day today where the battering rain of change has complete it's purpose and God finally wraps his warming arms around you to dry you completely of all the darkness and winter gloom. And when the last of your dark clouds burns off and the dazzling light of your new day is revealed, you are able to walk out on new ground into the fresh aroma of your Spring day with the sun glowing on your face beneath a clear bright sky. You'll have no choice but to just rejoice and thank God that you made it through the storm and that your sun has returned. 

Worship Crusade Ministries International "Yet a time is coming and has now come when the TRUE WORSHIPPER will worship the FATHER in SPIRIT and TRUTH, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father SEEKS" John 4:23-24 NIV Gerard Davis is Executive Director and Founder of Worship Crusade Ministries International. Our purpose; our business; our assignment is John 4:23. To be a worshipper simply means to be a server. We are charged with the work of encouraging every believer to become a server of The Living God. We accomplish this Ministry of service by focusing on what Jesus Himself proclaimed would identify a true server of God: Spirit and Truth...

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Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life | Wayne Dyer (1/2) (Truly Inspiring)

Leadership Is Influence, Not Office

 By Alex Ouma Ombura | Submitted On June 30, 2012

A. Insights of Influence. 1. Leadership is influence, nothing more nothing less. Harry Over-street says, "There very essence of all power to influence lies in getting other persons to participate". So when we lead people we influence people. So many a time we take leadership as title or office or a job description. "He that thinks he leadeth but has no one following is only taking a walk", the proverb goes. 2. Our influence with others usually is not in all areas. It is imperative to know we can influence people in certain areas, but in some areas not influence them at all. Most leaders think that because they are leaders they must have the ability to influence every other area of people's lives. Far from the truth! "No leader does well in every law of relationship", teaches Maxwell in the book "21 Laws of leadership". He advises that when one gets his/her leadership team, find out your strengths and weaknesses in you and every other member of the team. 

Maybe a member is a stronger navigator able to take the team or organization from step 1 step 2 with minimal resources than the overall leader. Then the overall leader should turn the role of navigation to the member. This is important the moment we understand leadership is influence and not position. Those who tend to think leadership is position tend to want to lead everything. "If you're not strong on an area, by holding on to the role then all you're doing is taking a walk down the memory lane", he advises. The moment we understand that leadership is not position but influence, then we must list our perceived strengths and weaknesses, and move around asking others what they think our strength and weaknesses are. We do not tell them! 3. With influence comes responsibility. "There are people whose feelings of well-beings are within my influence, and as a leader won't escape that fact", is what leadership echoes. When we lead people we must understand that we are responsible for them, and some times to them. 4. Your influence with others is either positive or negative. In other words, when we influence people, we either add value to them or suck the life out of them. There are some people we wish we never met during the day while there are some when we are having a bad day we just wish we could see them. 

The latter influence us positively while the former negatively. When we view ourselves as leaders we ask ourselves whether people like to be around us or avoid us. 5. People of positive influence add value to others. Success is when I add value to myself. Significance is when we add value to other people. B. 10 Ways to Gain Influence. 1. Integrity with people. 12/14/2020 Leadership Is Influence, Not Office,-Not-Office&id=7152374 2/5 People who influence others have integrity. Dwight Hines writes, "In order to be a leader a man must have followers, and to have followers I must have confidence. Hence the supreme quality of a leader is integrity; and without it no real success is possible whether in a football field or office". A leader's teachings and actions must square with each other. The first great need therefore is integrity and great purpose. A recent survey in USA of 1,300 senior managers; 70% of them put the highest quality of the person they work with in a company to be integrity. Influencers have integrity. Sometime ago in their mission statement Johnson & Johnson Ltd had stated that they would operate with honesty and integrity. Any several weeks before that had forced them to pull one of their products off the shelves. The president of Johnson & Johnson sent a memo to all presidents of divisions asking them if they believed in the mission statement. This came back in the affirmative, and within hours the president of the company ordered all the products off the shelves, knowing it was a USD 100 million decision. When reporters asked him how he could decide rapidly such a decision; he replied, "I was practicing what we'd agreed on our mission statement". It's always easy to do right when you know ahead of time what you stand for", observed one intellectual. In the book, "21 Laws of Leadership", one of the laws is the "law of solid ground". It states that to have integrity, one needs character, you also need confidence. Abraham Lincoln once stated, "At the end of my administration I want to have one friend left, and that friend is myself". Doubtlessly he meant his integrity.

 A renowned American baseball coach states, "Do what's right. And if you can't treat others as you'd want to be treated, they'll ask three questions: one, Can I trust you? Two, Do you believe this? I.e. are you committed to it? Three, Do you care about me as a person?" 2. Nurture people. There is a nurturing quality about people who influence other people. Unfortunately many leaders love their position more than they love their people. However people can be very exasperating. When leading the children of Israel from Egypt to the Promised Land, Moses soon discovered that-he was leading a people drawn on rebellion and strife; inducing a great anger in him to the extent of fidgeting the LORD God at the water of Meribah. And thereby causing him the promised land (Numbers 20:2-12&24). Nurturing people however does not mean needing people. A lot of leaders think because they are nurturers they need people. You can't lead people if you need people. Nurturing means making commitment to people. The saying goes, "Love will find a way, but indifference will find excuse". Nurturing does not mean loving people. Henry Draman once quipped, "If you look back at your life, you'll find the moments you rarely lived were the moments you had done things in the spirit of love". Nurturing people also means lifting people to a higher level. An American football coach says in this regard, "Deep down your players must know you care about them. I could never get away with the things I do if the players didn't know that I care. They know in the long run I'm in their corner. 3. Have faith in people. When this happens leaders soon loose their positions. "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely", hasted a historian. Good people ascend to high office but are soon corrupted by their positions. 

However leaders of influence understand that the position they have is not what makes them a leader, but the caring for, and nurturing of their people. Emerson says, "Every man is entitled to be valued by his best moments". Before we marry we evaluate the person we're in love with through through the best of eyes". Perspective is the difference between the person we're engaged to, and the person we're married to. None of us is good enough to survive a relationship if our mates decides to see us through our bad traits. And nobody wants to be judged at their worst moments. "Leaders however not only see people as they are; they see them as they become", asserts Maxwell. "This is what makes people want to be around them because they see that potential in them. The saying goes, "Asserts makes things possible but people make things happen". Maxwell teaches that if you are to become a leader of the people there are three things that you must avoid: a). Fear: When you become fearful for your people, you will manipulate them, but not lead them. b). Dislike: Leaders who dislike their people always take advantage of them. c). Contempt: When you have contempt for the people you lead you will not lead them well. In fact you are afraid of people you will not handle them! You will always want to leave them intact. When you show contempt to a person, you will not respect that person. The first responsibility of a leader is to look at a people and have faith in them. For those who believe in us we do everything in our power not to disappoint them. Maxwell advice to leaders is: "Look t the people you're leading, and give them the reputation to uphold by talking about something they do that's successful. When you tell everyone in your team how good they are, you're giving them a reputation for everyone to uphold. Look at the good qualities about the person you're leading and put a bar up there. Talk about that person, and relate that quality of that person to others". Of course, when we do this we must be sure the people we are talking to people about possess that quality; otherwise we loose credibility with that person. 

This we do not have to do only on the organization level; we need to do this inside our very homes. Leaders see the potential in people, let others know about it, and that literally draws people up. 12/14/2020 Leadership Is Influence, Not Office,-Not-Office&id=7152374 3/5 4. Listen to people. Paul Titus says, "The first duty of love is to listen". People like to talk about issues expecting someone to tell them how to solve them. But more often people do not want answers; they just expect someone to listen. To climb the ladders of listening, follow the letters LADDER: L-Look at the speaker because meanings are not in words, but are in people. So give them visual contact. A-Ask questions.the quickest way of becoming a good listener is by asking the speaker questions. D-Do not interrupt the speaker. D-Do not change the subject of the speaker. For listening is wanting to hear. E-Emotions are to be put on check always. R-Responsive listening is what you must stand for i.e. let the speaker know that you are listening, that you are hanging there with them. People think that leaders are always telling; but that is not true. Leaders are always listening to hearts of their people. Leaders are readers of people. 5. Understand people. An influencer understands people. In the book "Climbing the Executive Ladder", the author writes, "Few things will pay dividend than the time you take to understand people. Almost nothing will add more to your stature as an executive person; nothing will give you greater satisfaction or bring more happiness". Listening and understanding people however is very difficult, because of cultural and language barriers. Though physically and mentally exhausting, we must however try and give it everything we have got! Try to understand everything we have got! Try to understand where they are, try to get into their head and think as they do. And this is not easy. 

Mental and emotional exhaustion of trying to listen and understand people is great. To understand the mind of a person, look at what he/she has already achieved. To understand the heart of a person, look at what he/she dreams of becoming. To connect with people ask these three questions: i. What do you laugh about? ii. What do you cry about? Iii. What do you dream about? When you know the heart of a person, you know how they feel. If you know their mind, you know how they think. When you know their strengths, you know what they do well. And when you know their weakness, you know what they do not do well. If you know all these you will go leading people successfully. Norman writes, "There are two reasons why relationships fail; fear which causes us to erect barriers; and selfishness which causes us to focus on ourselves instead of others. Fear and selfishness are the two greatest reasons why relationships fail. The Kansas Agricultural Advertising Agency sums it up, thus, "I you hire us, you'll get your boots money. We'll walk with you in the fields. We'll get deeply involved in your business as you were. And we will fully understand your problem before we can try and create an advertising solution for you". And, I understand the old money boots just works. The first five steps of gaining influence on people deal with our attitude, while the last five below ate action issues. 6. Enlarge people. Influencers have the ability to enlarge people. 

The adage goes, "To grow an organization, grow people. And to grow people, grow yourself". Enlarging others begins with enlarging yourself first. What you have is what you give. When you are empty, you cannot enlarge anyone. Essentials to enlarging others: i. Place a high value on people ii. A personal commitment to growth. iii. A personal commitment to add value to others. iv. Your ability to communicate your belief in others v. The ability to stretch them. vi. Your highest joy is others' success 12/14/2020 Leadership Is Influence, Not Office,-Not-Office&id=7152374 4/5 In his book, "The Success Journey", Job.C.Maxwell teaches that success is three things: knowing your purpose in life, growing to maximum potential, and sowing seeds of success to others. You cannot be termed as successful until you pour your life into others. 7. Navigate People. An influencer helps people in the journey by navigating for them. Anyone can steer the ship but it takes the captain to chart its course. When being mentored, obey the leader, as he/she knows the trouble spots before you get there. A leader knows more than the people around him or her. They see more than the people see. A leader is one who sees farther ahead than others would. A leader is also someone who sees before others see. That means that a leader must be wise! 8. Connect with people. An influencer connects with people. All great leaders have one thing in common, and that is, they connect with people. Four connecting thoughts: i. Connecting with people is the leader's responsibility. The locomotive looks for the wagon in the rail yard and not vice versa. ii. Connecting with people means caring for the people. Iii. Connecting with people means reading people. iv. Connecting with people means going for their agenda first. 9. Empower people. John Creek says, "No matter how much work you can do; no matter how engaging personality,you may be, you cannot advance in business if you cannot work through others. Enlarging others deals with their individual growth. Empowering people means dealing with their organizational growth. Empowerment means several things: i). Seeing the potential of an individual. ii). Saying encouraging words to that individual iii). Sharing your power and position with others iv). Showing others you believe in them. Often leaders get into position, and they try everything in their power to hold onto the position and push everyone else down i.e. they play-"king of the mount". However note that when you start pushing your people down; you will always go down with them.

 But when you raise people up, you will also go up; for you always take the same journey as the people you lead. So dictators must be wearied and worried. Essentials for empowerment: i). Find a person worthy of empowerment. Therefore empower with discretion ii). Clearly lay out their mission and responsibility i.e. know what they are supposed to do iii). Verbally and visually show your support. iv). Keep an open door relationship with them v). Give them public credit when successful 10. Reproduce other people. An influencer reproduces other people. An influencer has the ability not only to draw people to himself, but also to reproduce them in life. This is what mentoring is all about. Here is how it works: when you influence a child, you influence a life.when you influence a parent, you influence a family. But when you influence a worker you influence an organization, a company, or an institution. And when you influence a leader you influence every other person that looks to him/her for leadership. This is the multiplication power of empowerment itself. Why does leaders not grow other leaders? i). They are insecure. This leads to the fear of being dethroned 12/14/2020 Leadership Is Influence, Not Office,-Not-Office&id=7152374 5/5 ii). They spend too much time with the followers. Iii). Followers are easier to find and lead than leaders. Not only are leaders hard to find; they are also difficult to gather.

 Leaders always have priorities. And as someone has observed, "Leading leaders is like herding cats". iv). Leaders do not value the effect of multiplication on leadership. v). Leadership often is viewed as a competitive effort, and not corporate. This is the huge problem. Right from childhood children are taught that leadership is a competitive effort. The leader must do complicated tasks to remain in leadership, while followers must not spare every effort to try and out do the leader, and thereby take away the leadership. With this knowledge I trust you have been equipped to step out as a leader in whatever it is you aspire to. God be your strength as you step out to lead your organization, company, institution, or even nation. Leadership is influence, nothing more nothing less. Our influence with others usually is not in all areas. It is imperative to know we can influence people in certain areas, but in some areas not influence them at all.

 Most leaders think that because they are leaders they must have the ability to influence every other area of people's lives. Far from the truth! The moment we understand that leadership is not position but influence, then we must list our perceived strengths and weaknesses, and move around asking others what they think our strength and weaknesses are. We do not tell them! With influence comes responsibility. When we lead people we must understand that we are responsible for them, and some times to them. Your influence with others is either positive or negative. People of positive influence add value to others. People who influence others have integrity. The first great need therefore is integrity and great purpose. There is a nurturing quality about people who influence other people. Unfortunately many leaders love their position more than they love their people. However people can be very exasperating. Nurturing people however does not mean needing people. A lot of leaders think because they are nurturers they need people. 

You can't lead people if you need people. Nurturing means making commitment to people. Influencers have the ability to enlarge people. The adage goes, "To grow an organization, grow people. And to grow people, grow yourself". Enlarging others begins with enlarging yourself first. What you have is what you give. When you are empty, you cannot enlarge anyone. An influencer also reproduces other people. An influencer has the ability not only to draw people to himself, but also to reproduce them in life. This is what mentoring is all about. Article Source: 

Tuesday, 15 December 2020

Robert Cialdini -- Influence (2012 WORLD.MINDS)

How To Increase Dream Creativity, And Start Using Your Dreams To Trigger Innovative Ideas

 By Ken Korczak | Submitted On September 01, 2011

The great writer Robert Louis Stevenson said all of his story ideas came to him in dreams. His books, including "Treasure Island" aand "Dr. Jykll and Mr. Hyde", were brought to him almost "pre-written," Stevenson said by "brownies" of the dream world. Famous cases of dream powered ideas are throughout history are almost too numerous to mention, from the invention of insulin for diabetes (discovered in a dream by Dr. Frederick Banting) to the first oil well in the deserts of Kuwait, found via a dream in 1937 by a British military officer. 

So there is dead-solid proof that the dreaming mind can deliver to us not only ideas that can make money, but change the world. So what can you - or anyone - do to trigger a dream like this? Can anyone conjure up a dream that will spell out a way to invent some new product, reveal the plot of a best-selling novel, or maybe even tell us where to pan for gold in an Alaskan river? The answer is yes. The fact is, there are many ways to increase the power and vividness of our dreams. 

We can not only make ourselves dream more, but we can develop methods to remember them better. We can even make dreams more "real." Even people who consider themselves total nondreamers can become frequent and vivid dreamers. There is no such thing as a nondreamer. Sleep researchers have proven that everyone not only dreams, but that they must dream. If the brain does not dream, it cannot function properly. People who say they don't dream simply are not remembering them. So step one toward our goal to start having dreams that can trigger brilliant, innovative ideas is to start cultivating your dream life, your dreaming mind. You want to have more dreams, and you want them to become more vivid and memorable. 

The first step to make this happen is a simple one - start keeping a dream journal. All you have to do it get a pen and notepad and place it by your bed, and then be ready to write down your dreams when you wake up. There are a number of ways you 12/14/2020 How To Increase Dream Creativity, And Start Using Your Dreams To Trigger Innovative Ideas,-And-Start-Using-Your-Dreams-To-Trigger-Innnovative-Ideas&id=6534831 2/2 can do this. Some people choose to sleep soundly through the night, and only write down those dreams they remember when they wake up in the morning. Another method is to wake up periodically throughout the night and write down each dream as they occur. Either way is fine. Basically, we enter the dream state about 90 minutes after we fall asleep. 

We dream for a short time, and then sleeping brain continues to cycle through four basic stages of sleep. The stage in which we dream is called REM sleep. REM stands for "Rapid Eye Movement." That's because our eyes moves from right to left, back and forth, during the process of dreaming. As the night goes on, we spend more and longer periods of time in the REM stage, so that by morning, we are dreaming more often, and more vividly. Most people report that the dreams they have just before they awake in the morning are the most memorable and vivid. But here's the amazing thing about dream journaling. For some reason, the act, or our very intention to actively record our dreams causes the dreaming mind to respond with more dreams! 

Try this and you'll see it's true. In the very first week in which you began writing down your dreams, you will be amazed by how much more you dream, and how the power of your dreams increase. So start there. Even if you consider yourself a nondreamer, the activity of keeping a dream journal will turn on your dreaming mind like it has never been turned on before. You are now on your way to incubating a powerful life-changing dream that will help you invent something new, solve a problem, or give you a terrific idea for a best selling novel! This is my Facebook Fan Page where you will find tons more information on expanding the limits of your mind and intellectual capabilities, and also where you will find topics that will invite you to think outside the box... sometimes WAY out side the box.

 Article Source: 

Monday, 14 December 2020

Gary Keller at Inman Connect 2018

The Secret of Happiness - Wisdom of the Ages and Modern Sages On How to Achieve Happiness

 By JD Meier | Submitted On November 06, 2011

What is the secret of happiness? While we may say "to each his own," we can also draw from the wisdom of the ages, and modern sages, to find some of the timeless principles of happiness. With that in mind, the most effective way I've found to improve happiness is to own your happiness and grow happiness right under your feet. And the beauty is, you can start your happiness journey from wherever you are. 10 Ways to Achieve Happiness Here are 10 ways to help you on your happiness journey: 1. Drive from Happiness. Ultimately, happiness is a decision to drive from. One you flip this switch, you actually set the stage to find excuses to be happy instead of excuses why you are not. 2. Count what counts. Sometimes it's the little things that count the most. Don't let the good stuff pass you by, simply because you didn't notice. A simple way to do this is end your day by thinking of three of your favorite highlights of the day. 3. Focus on what's right, not on what's wrong. 

If you tend to walk into a situation, asking yourself, "What's wrong with this picture?", then challenge yourself to start asking, "What's right with this picture?" 4. Don't dwell on things. Dwelling is disempowering. To empower yourself, find a new way to look at the picture, and find some simple actions you can take. Action increases your power and momentum, and it's a way to break out of self-defeating patterns, and find new happiness habits. 5. Have a short-term view, AND a long-term view. You may not be happy in the moment, but will you be happy in the long-run? This is a fulfillment question. Sometimes the best you can do, is all you can do, and that's one way to make the most of any situation. 6. Model the best. Find people in your life that have that sparkle in their eyes, and that skip in their step. What comes naturally to them, may not come naturally for you. Get curious, and find out what makes them tick and how they deal with common scenarios. Get curious, and you'll find many people like to share what they are good at, including happiness... and it's contagious. 7. Spend more time in your values. First you have to get clear on what you value. For example, maybe you really value freedom, or maybe it's adventure, or maybe it's time. Spend more time in what you value, and you will start to improve your happiness. You don't always have to change "What" you do. Sometimes, you can just change "How" you do it. For example, if you like to learn then find a way on the job to learn a little more about what you do, as you do it. 12/13/2020 The Secret of Happiness - Wisdom of the Ages and Modern Sages On How to Achieve Happiness 2/2 8. Eliminate or embrace the stuff that holds you back. 

Sometimes that means accepting things as they are. Sometimes it means, not accepting it and directly addressing it or finding a way to make the most of it. If there is something that significantly holds back your happiness, then face it, and make it a project. Sometimes the best way to increase happiness is to reduce the things that sour our life. 9. Set your own happiness bar. We don't all walk around as rays of sunshine, blue skies, rainbows, and unicorns. The trick is to find what happiness means for you, and be OK with that bar, rather than beat yourself up if it seems like somebody else has a higher happiness capacity than you. That just might be their temperament. Instead of go against, the grain, work with what you have, and always remember that happiness is a personal thing. 10. Make it a skill. If you think of happiness as a skill, then you can continue to add to your bag of tricks, and get better over time. You can draw from books, people, and quotes to build an arsenal of happiness tools that you can use for any scenario. And, like any skill, you'll get better with practice. Additionally, if you have setbacks, always remember that happiness is a process, and you'll grow your skills, as you expand your happiness capacity and capabilities. Have a Short-Term View and the Long-Term View on Happiness Perhaps, one of the greatest insights of our modern times on happiness is that happiness should be addressed by two questions: 1. How happy are you? 2. How happy are you with your life? The first question is about how happy are you in the current moment. 

The second question is more about fulfillment. While you may not find happiness in your moment to moment experience, you may be able to turn your challenges into opportunities and work on personal fulfillment and meaning. In this way, you write your story forward, and you can shape happiness for the long run. Russell Bertrand on the Secret of Happiness My friend, Dr.Michael, shared with me his thoughts on what Bertrand Russell believes about the secret of happiness. It went like this... "Bertrand Russell believes that unhappiness is largely due to a mistaken view of the world, that happiness is a basic human right - something to be pursued.

 He concludes that happiness lies in a personality" neither divided against itself nor pitted against the world' and the ability to swim with the 'stream of life'." Wisdom of the Ages on the Secret of Happiness To round out your perspective on happiness, you can draw from the wisdom of the ages, and modern day sages. You don't have to climb a mountain and ask a guru about the secret of happiness (although that could be fun.) Instead, you can gain deep insights from some of the various happiness quotes that help us find the secret of happiness. Here are some quotes that help us understand what truly is the secret of happiness: 1. "Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action." - Benjamin Disraeli 2. "Happiness cannot come from without. It must come from within. It is not what we see and touch or that which others do for us which makes us happy; it is that which we think and feel and do, first for the other fellow and then for ourselves." - Helen Keller 3. "To be truly happy and contented, you must let go of what it means to be happy or content." - Confucius Find Your Way Forward At the end of the day, the best you can do is drive from who you want to be and what experiences you want to create. 

You can use this rule, in all that you do, as a guideline to help you shape your way forward, and find meaning and happiness in whatever adventures life may throw your way. J.D. Meier shares principles, patterns, and practices for happiness at Sources of There you will also find a more extensive collection of happiness quotes at a glance.

 Article Source: 

Friday, 11 December 2020

Effective Motivational Skills For Today's Managers - Life Lessons

 By Charles | Submitted On June 01, 2009

Preview Motivated employees will work more effectively in their jobs and do more to further the bottom-line objectives of a company than unmotivated employees. As a manager, you are in a position to increase the motivation of your employees. This basic managerial skill training in motivation will enable you to become a more effective manager for yourself, and for your company. You will learn how to handle motivational problems, which will help you gain 100% effectiveness of your employees. What Should You Expect From This Article As you know, motivation is a complex issue. Many psychologists and researchers spend their entire life investigating people's motivation to perform. Similarly, there are many books currently out in the bookstores promising to give us the secret for "getting others to do what we wish." There are many theories of motivation; and different techniques to solve motivational problems. Rather than attempting to review all these theories, the purpose of this module is to look at six common motivational factors which will make the difference between employees who are motivated and employees who exhibit motivational problems. 

We will use only as much "theory" as needed to gain basic understanding of each motivational issue. Primarily we will discuss what you can do to solve the motivational problem. Learning Objectives Upon completion, you will be able to: o Recognize what types of employee behavior problems are motivational issues and which are not. o State in simple language what is the real motivational factor behind different types of problems encountered as a manager and what you can do to correct each problem. o Apply appropriate steps or response to resolve the motivational problem. o Motivate average and above average performers to perform even better. Training Format 12/8/2020 Effective Motivational Skills For Today's Managers - Life Lessons 2/9 This article is designed to do more than just give you information on motivation. Rather, it is set up to teach you skills which you can apply in your day to day jobs. This will be accomplished by the use of exercises that require your involvement. Active participation will enable you to learn "what to do and how to do it," better than passively sitting back and being an observer. Keep this in mind as we proceed. Manager's Methods Motivate Many management experts agree that the key to employee morale and motivation is the quality of supervision they receive from their supervisor. It is for this reason that most businesses invest much time, energy, and money in the selection of their managers followed by in-depth training. In fact, this information is designed to assist you, the manager, in developing methods which have been "proven" to produce the highest possible motivation in your employees. Who Is Responsible For Motivation Managers share the responsibility in motivating their employees with the individual employees themselves. The manager is 100% responsible for establishing a motivating climate in which the employee works. The employee is 100% responsible for taking advantage of the motivating climate to perform the best they can perform. Detecting Motivation Problems: Focus On Behavior Motivation is not something that we can directly see. That is the major reason why it is so complex. Instead, we observe a situation and notice that some action, tasks, or behaviors that should have occurred, have not occurred. Frequently, we call this a "motivation problem." Like a detective, we must be aware of clues which hint of a "motivation problem" in an employee. These clues are behaviors. 

Focusing on behaviors has several advantages: o Behaviors are observable; they require only our attention-not complicated psychological analysis. o Behaviors are objective; they are not easily open for mis-interpretation. o Behaviors are measurable; we can count how many times a certain behavior occurs. o Behaviors are specific and concrete; not abstract like the concept of motivation. Begin by asking yourself, "What is he not doing? What behaviors, actions, or tasks should she be doing?" Be as specific and precise as possible. "He is not doing it the way he is supposed to" or "she is not committed" or "she has a bad attitude" are not specific behaviors. State the problem in terms of behavior. Behaviors That May Indicate A "Motivational Problem" As we have said, instead of focusing on the abstract and complex concept of motivation, go right to the behaviors from which we suspect the "motivation problem." Motivation problems can be suspected from such behaviors as: o Reduced quantity of work output. o Reduced quality of work output. o Extended lunch and break times. o Frequent tardiness. o Frequent absenteeism. Motivation Worksheet 1 - (Take a few minutes to answer these questions.) 1. What behaviors indicate "a bad attitude" or "no commitment" in an employee? 2. Think of a particular unmotivated employee that you currently know or have known in a previous position or job. What specific behaviors did this person exhibit (or not exhibit) that leads you to believe they have a motivation problem? 12/8/2020 Effective Motivational Skills For Today's Managers - Life Lessons 3/9 3. List behaviors that you demonstrate when you are feeling unmotivated to do a task? Selecting "Motivated Employees" It makes our job of motivating employees much easier, when we start with employees who are "highly motivated." In other words, motivation comes easier. when we have the "right person for the job." The "hiring of motivated employees" is a selection decision. Make sure you identify the job-related skills a candidate possesses by thorough questioning. In this way, the job skills an employee possesses can be matched with the job skills required for success on the job. 

When a match occurs, we can feel confident that the person is the best candidate for the job. In fact, a job candidate that was motivated to learn these key identified job-related skills in the past, will be motivated to use them, and learn additional skills, in the future. All personnel selection decisions are based on the theory that how a person performed in their past job predicts future job performance in a similar job-a job candidate motivated to perform in the past will most likely be motivated to perform in a similar situation in the future. Aim to improve motivation among the workforce by selecting job candidates who demonstrate job-related skills required for success with your company. The selected employee whose job matches their skills will show motivation to do a good job, a greater liking of their job, and a longer stay at their job. Motivation Worksheet 2 - (Take a few minutes to answer these questions.) 1. Think of a position which you manage. Focus on the job, itself. List the job-related skills for this position. In other words, when interviewing to hire a candidate for the job, what skills should the candidate possess to be successful on the job? 2. In an interview, what might a job applicant say or do to indicate high motivation? 3. List two to three questions that would allow you to test their motivation level? Training for Success Training teaches people new skills, new procedures, or new information. It does not directly teach "motivation." However, training accomplishes something more-maybe a little harder to see-but still extremely important. Training can give an employee the ability to be successful. Employees who show signs of lack of ability can be taught how to perform correctly. Ability produces success. Success is a large motivator. Success breeds more success. Success produces pride of accomplishment; it fuels ambition; it increases personal goals; it increases performance. Remember: Training produces successful performance and success motivates. We must look at the problem behavior and decide whether the employee has the ability to do the task. Examine the ability of the employee. Ask yourself: "Does the employee have the knowledge or the skills to complete the task or job successfully?" Consider the following about the employee: o Prior work experience. o Job related skills. o Completed any of your company supported training programs. o Special instruction, coaching, or tutoring. A person with low ability, can be taught, trained, and coached to perform successfully. 

Once they feel that "good feeling of success" and all that comes with it (pat on the back, acknowledgement, and pay increase), their motivation may increase. Be advised though, that there are two problem situations you can run into. First, some employees may require so much extra training, teaching, coaching, and tutoring before they attain some success that it requires more on your part than you can realistically give. In this case, you might have to realize that the employee "lacks too much" and other action is required. The second problem situation is that some people who receive training and accomplish successful performance may still not show an increase in motivation. This can be due to other reasons which we will soon explore. Training is only one of many factors which play a part in motivating employees. Remember: While training does not guarantee an increase in motivation, it can pave the way for greater motivation. Motivation Worksheet 3 - (Take a few minutes to answer these questions.) 1. List specific behaviors which indicate poor motivation in an employee you manage. 2) Does the employee have the knowledge or skills to complete the tasks or job duties successfully? 12/8/2020 Effective Motivational Skills For Today's Managers - Life Lessons 4/9 3) What training programs currently exist that can teach, train, and coach the employee to perform successfully? 4) What existing employee could you have them work with to improve their performance in weak areas? Motivation Through Communication and Goal Setting Communicating what we expect from our employees and setting appropriate goals for which they should strive plays a big part in their motivation. In order for employees to do a good job, they must know what it is they are expected to do. 

This direction comes from you, the manager. The manager has the responsibility of telling the employee in specific, concrete words: o What should be done o When to do it o Where o How, to proceed step-by-step o Who else is involved, why it is important, etc. The manager knows what constitutes a "good job;" ask yourself if the employee has the same understanding of what would be a "good job." When an employee thinks that he or she has given 100% while the manager thinks that the employee has only given 60%, the problem is not motivation; it is communication. To determine if the problem behavior is a result of a breakdown in communication, the manager must ask herself, "Did I talk to the employee about my expectations?" That is, we as managers must determine whether we discussed objectives, duties, responsibilities, deadlines and performance. (How we communicate is an entirely additional, yet related, matter that will be addressed in the Communication Skill article). It can be difficult to look at our own behavior as managers, but we need to discover if we have contributed to the problem. Not only must you, as a manager, tell the employee what needs to be done, but you must also make sure the employee understands your directions as you intend them. An effective manager accomplishes this by: o repeating directions o Cclarifying instructions o Demonstration o Checking for understanding o Observing progress o Double-checking o Follow-up Remember: Good communication prevents misunderstandings and paves the way for employee motivation. Goal Setting There is one particular type of communication that has been repeatedly shown to be effective in improving employee motivation. This is the communicating of goals or objectives.

 A goal or objective is simply a task we are attempting to accomplish. Goals direct our behavior. They help us follow a straight-line course to our ultimate objective. They prevent us from being like leaves being blown helplessly by the wind. Goals and objectives foster motivation. We see the progress we are making toward our goal. We feel we are getting somewhere. Without goals, it is not always clear when we have been successful. Goals serve as a yardstick by which to measure our accomplishments. Some objectives are too broad in scope to strive for directly. For example, to increase profits is a difficult goal to tackle all at once. Large scale goals need to be broken down into intermediate goals. Even intermediate goals sometimes require smaller goals that can be accomplished in a shorter amount of time. 12/8/2020 Effective Motivational Skills For Today's Managers - Life Lessons 5/9 A goal should be (using SMART acronyms): o Specific: it should include who, what, where, when and how built into it. o Measureable: progress toward the goal should be recorded frequently. o Attainable: it should be reasonable and realistic; there should be a very good certainty of accomplishing it. o Realistic: should also pass the reasonable and realistic test. o Timebound, set and agreed to mutually developed: the highest motivation will occur when the employee plays a part in setting the goal, together with the manager. The employee should have input setting the goal. Motivation Worksheet 4 - (Take a few minutes to answer these questions.) Think of an employee that has a motivation problem. Focusing on the employee's behavior, write 3 goals for the employee to attain that will bring his work performance "up to par". 1) 2) 3) Motivation Through Appraisal and Feedback One of the most powerful ways to change the motivation of an employee is to appraise how he is performing his job duties and then to feed this information back to him.

 I suggest you use two separate systems to provide employee appraisal and feedback. The Employee Performance Review (by whatever name you call the form) evaluates the job performance of individual workers in terms of pre-identified objectives and clearly notifies the employee "how they have done" in achieving these objectives. The Progressive Discipline System (by whatever name you call the form) also evaluates the job performance of individual workers in terms of job expectations and then clearly notifies the employee "how they have fallen short" in working up to these expectations. Although Employee Performance Review emphasize positive performance while Progressive Discipline emphasizes undesirable performance, both work in exactly the same way: they provide feedback to the employee on how they are doing in reference to a standard. This can produce motivation in an employee. First, it communicates to the employee exactly, "where he stands," and secondly, it points to what type of coaching, counseling, or information the employee requires to get to "where he wants to go or sometimes must go." Appraisal and feedback systems are ways to tell the employee that "she is on the right track." If not where they should be, this in itself often provides the motivation to self-correct and "get back on track." Both of these programs are made even more powerful and hence motivating by the consequences attached to them. 

The result of a "favorable" performance appraisal can mean an increase in salary-a very definite motivator for some people. The result of an "unchanged" progressive discipline report can mean suspension or even separation of employment, a very definite motivator in the sense that employees will work to avoid the negative consequence. Remember: Appraising employee performance through Employee Performance Review or Progressive Discipline and feeding back to them the results motivates by "pointing the employee in the right direction" and "making clear how far they must go." Motivation Worksheet 5 - (Take a few minutes to answer these questions.) 1) Think of an employee you manage who did not perform to your performance standards on a specific task. 2) What was the desired performance? 3) Describe the feedback you should give immediately upon completion of the task so the employee "gets back onto the right track". 4) How would you "point the employee in the right direction" by using an Employee Performance Appraisal or Progressive Discipline? Motivating Work Assignments 12/8/2020 Effective Motivational Skills For Today's Managers - Life Lessons 6/9 Ideally, the work itself should be highly interesting and hence motivating to the employee. This is partly determined in the selection process where job candidate's skills and interests are assessed and compared to the requirements of the job. When delegating tasks be sure to consider the skill level of the parties involved, the needs of the job, etc. as well. Even after a job candidate is hired, placement of the employee into a specific work assignment can foster or stifle motivation. For example, a stereo buff would be more highly motivated to sell stereos or other electronic products than draperies. 

Employees can have different preferences in many ways: o Some employees may prefer a large variety of different job duties whereas others may prefer only a small set number. o Some employees like to face challenge and complexity within their job whereas others may prefer the simple or routine. o Some employees may prefer to work independently, apart from others, whereas other employees prefer to work in an area with other employees. o Some employees may prefer to work on tasks where they can receive instant feedback on their efforts, whereas others may not require such instantaneous and continuous feedback. The point is that you can increase the motivation of your employees if you can match their need for different degrees of autonomy, variety, challenge, complexity, and feedback to the available work assignments. To the best that you can, tailoring the work assignments to the employee's primary needs and abilities, will result in a higher level of performance from that employee. This is not to suggest that you should bend to every desire of an employee. Meeting an employee's individual interests on the job will help that employee like their job more. They in turn, will be more willing and motivated to help the manager achieve bottom-line objectives. When both get what they respectively want, then a win/win situation exists. The manager wins because he will have a motivated, effective employee; the employee wins because his needs are met. When an employee knows he is benefitting, he will be motivated to perform better. If an employee gets to do parts of his job that he likes to do, then the employee will be more willing to do those things that have to be done as well. See what your employees would like to gain from their employment besides money. Ask, "What else does this employee want from his job here." Some answers might be: o "A good recommendation for future jobs." o "A chance to learn firsthand about the world of business before going to college and studying business." o "An opportunity to learn skills like cashiering, customer service, selling, or management, etc." o "A chance to get out of the house and be around people like other employees and customers." o "To be aware of the latest market trends, fashions - wanting to be first to see what's new." To meet people's interests and thus produce greater motivation, a certain amount of compromise and negotiation must take place between a manager and employee. It is difficult to balance the needs of an employee and those of a manager, who is trying to fulfill their company's bottom line performance, but compromise and negotiation gives the manager some control to accomplish both at once.

 Motivation Worksheet 6 - (Take a few minutes to answer these questions.) List the names of employees you manage under the type of work assignment which would motivate them to perform best. Task Variety versus Set Types of Tasks Challenge and Complexity versus Simple and Routine Tasks Independent Tasks versus Working as part of a Group Tasks which produce instant feedback versus Tasks which produce delayed feedback. Do the actual assignments of your employees regularly include the types of assignments most motivating to them? 12/8/2020 Effective Motivational Skills For Today's Managers - Life Lessons 7/9 Rewarding Good Performance One major reward an employee obviously earns through their work performance is their paycheck. Financial compensation for doing a task is as old as the institution of gainful employment. There has been a development in recent years, however, of a new system of rewarding employees that affects their motivation to perform. This is the concept of paying for performance. The idea behind paying for performance is simple. Most people, including managers, have the belief that if I do this, I deserve to get that. If I do twice as much, then I deserve to get more in return. What we receive, we say we have earned. One of the most common examples of a pay for performance system is tipping. The waitress knows that her performance directly affects the tip she will receive. If she does a good job, she can be reasonably sure that she will receive a tip. She also knows that if she does an outstanding job she will merit a larger tip than if she just does the bare minimum. The employee can feel that their work performance will be rewarded on the basis of merit due to the performance appraisal system. 

By their performance, they can affect their financial rewards. If they fail to meet their objectives, they won't be compensated as much as if they had met their objectives. If they work hard and exceed their objectives, they will be financially rewarded for the effort; and if they perform extremely well and clearly exceed the objectives, they will receive, or rather have EARNED, a proportionately large pay increase to reward their behavior. Employee Performance Review is designed to measure performance against a standard so that the quantity and quality of job performance can be reliably determined. It serves as the vehicle for determining merit pay increases. How To Make A Merit System Motivating Employees must be aware of the system; that their work performance can earn them additional rewards. They must believe that it is realistically possible for them to earn the rewards. They must believe the system is fair; how much extra they earn needs to be worth the extra performance they "put out." As a result of informing employees of the connection between their job performance and available rewards, they: o Develop a "winning" mental attitude. o Set their own high performance goals. o Increase their performance level. In order to produce "highly motivated" employees, it is extremely important to pay attention and to actively play a part in influencing rewards for employee's performance. As manager, you have control over these consequences. Although financial compensation is the primary reward, you are making a serious mistake if you believe that this is the only reward that is important to an employee. Money is not a dependable motivator. In fact, it is true that: o For some individuals, money is not motivating. o When employees have the inaccurate perception that only small merit increases are available, money loses its power to motivate. o Money may motivate just before performance appraisal time, but it can also have no effect on performance the prior eleven months. 

In contrast to money, all of the following rewards for performance are extremely dependable: o Sense of Achievement Recognition of a "Job Well Done" o Greater Responsibility o Advancement/Promotion o Increase Status in Eyes of Others o Personal Growth o Appreciation/Thanks by Manager Any of these can be used in addition to money to reward performance. Each of these rewards can be delivered by you, the manager, in less than 30 seconds. And, they have the advantage over merit increase of being available every day. They cost you nothing-they give you a powerful tool to increase other's motivation. 12/8/2020 Effective Motivational Skills For Today's Managers - Life Lessons 8/9 All it takes is a statement like: "Joe, you should feel really proud over obtaining a sales volume like you did this week." (Sense of Achievement) "Sally, I noticed that you did an excellent job helping customers today, especially since you were covering more than one area." (Recognition of a Job Well Done) "Bob, you have done so well with the routine duties, I think you're capable of handling some responsibilities of a larger nature. How would you feel about becoming responsible for .... ?" (Greater Responsibility) "Lisa, even though your performance appraisal is more than 5 months away, I want to tell you that you're accomplishing so many things that I'm considering some type of promotion for you, if you keep this up." (Advancement/Promotion) "I want to announce to everybody at this meeting that Tom has been doing an outstanding job and is a top-notch worker." (Increase Status in Eyes of Others) "Jane, since you've started, you have really learned the relationship of mark-up to gross margin." (Personal Growth) "Gary, I really appreciate you doing this. Thanks a lot." (Appreciation/Thanks by Manager) Motivation of people will be seriously affected, if the consequences of performing is punishing or "makes no difference." When an employee who is working the best they can receives penalties, insults, humiliation, boredom, or frustration, he or she will begin to avoid doing the work and will quickly demonstrate "poor motivation." Few people seek out painful experiences. Thus, if you know that an employee is not working "up to par," explore whether the employee received a negative reaction for doing so. Ask yourself, "is there a negative consequence for doing a good job?" Conclusion Motivation is a complex issue. Rather than attempting to investigate motivation in its complexity, this basic management skill training reviewed six common motivational factors which make the difference between employees who are motivated and employees who exhibit motivational problems. In reality, high levels of motivation are produced by a combination and interaction of these six factors, not by any one factor acting alone.

 "Motivated employees" selected for the job will be easier to train; more receptive to communication and feedback; more interested in their work assignments; and more effective performers who will merit reward. Employees "trained for success" will learn to communicate better; use feedback constructively; and perform their work assignments more efficiently which may increase their interest. All of this in turn, may result in a high level of performance that would merit reward. Clear communication and goal setting goes hand-in-hand with the objective setting procedures of performance appraisal; aids the learning of new, more interesting, work assignments; and promotes goal attainment which is rewarded. Appraisal and feedback can bring out the employee's feelings and interest in the work assignment and serve to reward behavior which merits reward. Assigning "motivating work assignments" enables the employee to meet his interests and needs which will usually result in quality work that merits reward. Motivated employees will work more effectively in their jobs and do more to further the bottom-line objectives of a company than unmotivated employees. 

There are six important and necessary factors that need to be considered in improving an employee's motivation to perform. By using the theory and recommendations presented in this article, you can be confident that you will be able to successfully motivate your employees. In addition, you will be incorporating a valuable skill into your managerial repertoire. Remember, in order to motivate others, you must be Motivated yourself! Have fun, make a ripple... Chuck Ainsworth, aka The Origami Warrior is a visionary writer who enjoys learning new topics and putting them into easy to understand terms. He brings 30 plus years of Senior Management experience and provides the insights needed to help others reach peak performance by improving their basic Management and Leadership Skills. He currently writes about topics he loves that include: Origami, Origami Warrior Wisdom, Motivation, Training, Management Skills Development, Leadership, Life Lessons, Core Values, Internet Marketing, Social Media, Life After Death - How To Overcome Life Changing Events and more. A published author who loves family, pets, community. While he has spent much of his life traveling, he now enjoys a much simpler life, living in his home town on a small quiet private lake with his family. Follow

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