Today, wherever you are, whatever life has given you, take a moment to really feel grateful to be alive.
Then give back to life, something, anything, to show your gratitude for this miracle you’ve been given. Do anything: be kind to someone, create something, be gentle with your children, do something where your body feels full of life.
We often not only take life for granted, but complain about it. Life isn’t perfect, work is boring, people are too rude, drivers are idiots, nobody listens to me, I have too many things to do. But goodness, look around you! What a wonder life is! If only we would take the time to see it, to really appreciate it. This moment is a ridiculously generous miracle.
Gratitude comes from loving yourself and living your joy. Tune into what nourishes your soul and brings you joy, make a list of everything that brings you joy, and do more of it. Tune into what nourishes your soul and brings you joy, make a list of everything that brings you joy, and do more of it.
Remember you cannot be grateful and unhappy at the same time.
One day you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. So do it now………..
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