Thursday, 18 March 2021

What Is Law of Attraction and How to Use It in Your Life?

 y Sakesare Khan | Submitted On June 03, 2012

The Law of Attraction is among the most ancient universal laws. It just means to depict that whatever circumstances we face in our life are the result of what we thought in our past. Thoughts dominate our mind, they have to manifest in our life. The circumstances we face, the people we meet, the relationships we make, the money we make, the house we live in; these all are the outcome of what we have been thinking with little bit more concentration or simply saying what we have been thinking the most. Have you ever observed when you get angry or frustrated in the morning, it often happens that your whole day sucks. The "whole day sucks" is a phenomena that is happening because we attracted it in the morning. What is Law of Attraction? 

The law of attraction is a belief or theory, that "like attracts like," and that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one can bring about positive or negative results. Speaking shortly I will define the law of attraction in one line: "What we think, we manifest" It's simple. We attract in our daily life with our thoughts and feelings. For example, if we keep thinking that we have no money in our bank account, we will be attracting "no money" in our life. Similarly if we feel like depressed due to workload or other anxieties, we will be welcoming more "depression and anxieties". So we are using this universal law all the time whether we know it or not. Things happening in our daily life are due to this law of attraction. What Science says? Thomas Troward, who was among the big guns of the New Thought Movement, claimed that: "Thought precedes physical form and that "the action of Mind plants that nucleus which, if allowed to grow undisturbed, will eventually attract to itself all the conditions necessary for its manifestation in outward visible form." Later on metaphysicians also supported the existence of the law of attraction in our daily life. After that the arrival of the book "The Secret" brought up a great revolution in the societies and religious beliefs. So The Law of Attraction is much 3/15/2021 What Is Law of Attraction and How to Use It in Your Life? 2/3 more the game of your mind set. If you are sincerely able to abide by the principals of the law, you will discover that you can get anything in your life that you love to achieve. How to Use Law of Attraction: As I told you earlier that "What we think, we manifest".

 What we are going to keep in our mind and concentrate on it, we are actually bringing it in the process of manifestation. Using law of attraction is very easy if you keep a firm belief on your thoughts and visualization. Here I will teach you how you can use the law of attraction in your life to get anything you desire to achieve. It consists of only three steps: 1. Ask 2. Feel 3. Give Ask: The first step is desire what you want in your life. Definitely you cannot get money if you have not planned to get it. Similarly you will not go for vacation in Spain until you have not planned it. So asking is the first step towards using law of attraction in your life. Sit down, take a pen and paper, relax and think what you desire in your life. Write down everything that comes into your mind whether it's lot of money, a good life partner or whatever... just note it on the paper. Once you have prepared the list of your dreams (wishes), proceed to the next step that is 'feel'. Feel: Once you have prepared a list of all of your desires, you have instructed your mind to get ready to achieve. Now start feeling like you have everything in your life that is on that piece of paper (your desires note) and already be grateful for it. If you wrote that you want a lot of money then from now onwards, start feeling like you have lot of money in your account. Bring up that joy in you when you have $100000 in your account. Feel like you have a perfect partner in your life and you are living a prosperous life. So start imagining that you have access of everything that you have written on that piece of paper and feel gratitude for this abundance. 

What happens here that the universe begins to listen to your these consistent thoughts and the manifestation process comes into being. So the main theme of this step is: "What you want to achieve in your life, feel like you already have it" Give: The last step in the completion of the law of attraction is "to give". There is a principle in this whole process that states: "The more you give, the more you get back" So give from whatever you have in your life. If you can give happiness to someone, go ahead. If you have money, give it without worrying about the amount. Many people get stuck on this step and have some doubts in their minds and they are right at it. As a common person we think that dividing something reduces it. But it is opposite in the law of attraction. This law states that if you give something to someone, you shall get it back multiplied. The question is "How is it possible?" The answer is quite simple and logical. 

During the give process, you think like you have a lot of something say its money, and you give some money to others. This feeling of abundance ignites the second process that is 'Feel'. So when giving, feel like you already have abundance of it and you shall have abundance of it. So 'give' process helps in firming your belief that you already have abundance of everything. This is so Easy!! This is what law of attraction states.. Ask, feel and give. So the crux of this law lies in your thoughts. Negative thoughts will bring up negative circumstances and vice versa. So start using the law of attraction in your life from now onwards. In the beginning it will take some time to control your thoughts and keep them positive but gradually you will start to have grip over your thoughts and things will start working as the law of attraction will come into action. Its you who can change your life right now and forever. So go ahead and take advantage of this law and be happy. Good luck. Using Law of Attraction within Hours. Saksare is a researcher who has written hundred of publications regarding self development and self esteem. He has a blog about Law of Attraction mentioned in details that can be accessed at the link below: Using Law of Attraction within Hours?

 Article Source: 3/15/2021 What Is Law of Attraction and How 

Monday, 15 March 2021

How to "Get Rich Quick"

 By Jeremiah Carstarphen | Submitted On February 03, 2010

There so many info product on the market that will teach you how to get rich quick. Most of them are making the person selling the product rich, while the rest of us are becoming more and more financially destitute while we continue to spend our money on these get rich quick opportunities. Most people get getting rich, and getting a lot of money mixed up. Having a lot of money does not make you rich. Your mindset and your habits make you rich. That means you can be rich before you get a lot of money. The quicker you realize this, the quicker you will get rich. We all hear the redundant stories about athletes, entertainers, and lottery winners, who make or get a lot of money, but eventually end up broke. These people are not rich. 

These people just had a lot of money. You can quickly become rich, by quickly changing your mindset, and your self-defeating financial habits that are making you broke. You may already have a wealthy mindset. You may read all of the self development and "rich people" books. You may be listening to the right audios, going to seminars, and you may have the mindset of a rich person, but what are your habits telling you? Ask yourself these questions: - Do habitually have a negative monthly personal cash flow? A person who regularly has more going out of than coming into his financial accounts will never be rich. - Do you habitually try to do everything all by yourself? You need the help of good systems, and good people to get rich. If you continue to do it all by yourself, you probably will not get rich, but you will probably die trying. - 

Do you habitually fall victim to greed and impatience by spending your money on the things that bring you immediate satisfaction in every area of your life? If you want to get rich quickly, you must learn the value of small sacrifices and delayed gratification. You will not get rich by spending all of your money on magic pills and every get rich scheme that comes along. You may make some money. You may even make a lot of money, but you will not be rich. Instead look within yourself for the answer and realize that it is your own self-defeating financial habits that are keeping you poor or middle-class. 

You already have what it takes at your fingertips to "get rich quick". 3/15/2021 How to "Get Rich Quick" 2/2 Change your mindset and your money habits and you will quickly get rich. It will only be a matter of time before the money follows. Much Success, Jeremiah Carstarphen Get Rich [] You can get rich if you have 3 things: The right mindset, Good money management skills, and good systems. Get better, be better, do better. Pick up my FREE e-course at: [] 

Article Source: © 2021 EzineA

Thursday, 11 March 2021

5 Keys To A Successful Mindset In Business

 By Jon Allo | Submitted On November 06, 2019

When it comes to having success in business, it might well be that your mindset has more to do with your success or failure than you realize. You also may have a negative mindset and not be aware of it. Here are some keys to achieving and keeping a successful business mindset. 

1. Focus Focus is definitely a key to a successful mindset. Continually remind yourself of what your business is about, what its purpose is, and why you're doing it. Keep focusing on your goals by having them somewhere that you can see them. 

2. Self-assessment To achieve a successful mindset, you need to ferret out that negative mindset you may not even know you have. Here are some things to watch out for that may indicate a negative mindset: Having excessive back-up plans and being over-cautious may mean you are doubtful about your success. Safety nets are understandable, but they can become a tempting escape when things are less than perfect. To be successful, you need to press through those imperfect times, not run from them. Believe you deserve it. You may think that you really don't deserve to succeed in business. You just aren't "that type." To be successful, though, you need to believe you are that type! Uncertainty can be a manifestation of a negative mindset - you are not sure of yourself. There are resources out there; you can learn what you need to succeed. You just have to go for it. 

3. Think Like an Entrepreneur If you are starting your own business, it won't work to think like an employee. You need to think like your own boss! This means the freedom and responsibilities that come with being the head of a business. 

4. Believe In Your Product or Service Whether you are selling something for a company or something of your own creation, you need to really love and believe in the product to succeed. If you are offering a service, you need to believe that you are offering something unique and excellent. Keep that mindset that says your product or service is absolutely worth it. 

5. Not "I'll Try"... If someone asked you if you plan to succeed in business, would you say, "I'll try"? Then you have a negative mindset! You need to think more along the lines of "I will" or "I can." Thinking "I'll try" is a non-committal mindset that is not conducive to success. Being an entrepreneur can be overwhelming and exhausting. So how do some people seem to thrive and achieve their goals and dreams while others struggle? The answer is mindset. To start taking steps today to embrace a success mindset get a copy of my free checklist, Cultivating A Business Mindset at 

Article Source: 3/9/2021 5 Keys To A Successful Mindset In Bus

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

Monday, 8 March 2021

Discipline For Development

 By Oluwafemi Roya | Submitted On August 02, 2010

"Academic discipline is studying when you are supposed to study, even when you do not feel like to study" As a student you need academic success, you want un-stressful success, it is not a great task, it is very simple but tactical. -Things that serve as the prerequisite for success in academics 1. Discipline - Charity begins at home is one constant often said adage. The amount of discipline you imbibe into your being determines your achievement. Discipline is the act of changing bad characters in you and replacing them with good ones that will be of help to you. To be disciplined, you have to be able to forgo some things, you have to be able to endure and be able to manage efficiently. As a high school student you have a little money that you have planned to use to buy an iPod and a new workbook has just been brought to your class by your teacher. The discipline must be there that I need this book more than this iPod, then I should buy this one even without the knowledge of my parents. An undergraduate in which your parent affordable gave you N5000 to use for a month then, that discipline of wise spending should be there, I need to manage this money should constantly be in your mind. 

Then you have installed discipline in the highest order to yourself. Discipline to be over-emphasized is in many phases, you can discipline any part of your body, and you can discipline your eyes to avoid lust-able things. You can discipline your mouth not to talk too much or not to say malicious thing/slander. You can discipline your hands to always profit you. Discipline your legs not to walk aimlessly, discipline your brain, to enhance your IQ. Discipline your stomach not to take much food. Discipline your heart to hear to hear profitable things. Discipline can be imbibed in many areas. -Discipline of ones eyes to avoid lust-able things Eyes can be used to see, it can see both far and near objects unless if otherwise. It can see human and many other things. With your eyes, you can read your book effectively. Taking disciplinary action on your eyes not to strenuously look at a female is not a big task, because it will go a long way to help you not to commit sin to your GOD and not to destroy your life at the early stage. -Discipline of one's mouth One can discipline his mouth to avoid the wrath of GOD, in what sense?

 By talking sensibly and avoiding length words. In multitude of words a man sin, one can implicate him/herself by talking too much, you might not even know. Discipline of one's leg 3/8/2021 Discipline For Development 2/2 I will discipline my leg not to walk to my enemy's house. In your hostel, as an undergraduate, you are not restricted from going out. Then you must discipline yourself not to over-use your freedom, stay indoor. Walking aimlessly can cause one to fall sick, since the leg is not a stick, it is better to discipline your leg. Try to work in "GODS geometry"-from class to library and to hostel. -Discipline your ears An ear listens and also hears, your ear can hear impromptu, but it is then, you listen patiently if it is important. Listening to worldly music cannot profit you, listening to corrupt languages from friends cannot profit you, listening to bad messages is unprofitable, it is then, you discipline your ears to hear good things and listen to them. -Discipline your stomach Stomach attracts food a lot, when you eat, eat and eat, you are not eating free of charge, then you are a glutton, a covetous fellow, a greedy man, you want to eat the whole of the world. You spend the whole of your allowances eating without saving on you, you are an empty balloon.

 Discipline your stomach to eat little and nutritious food, do not live to eat but eat to live. -Discipline your brain Brain works hand in hand with your body system. When what is in your brain is nothing to write home about, you have low IQ. Then discipline sets in, you have the power to control your brain, do not let people deceive you. After GOD, you are in charge of your life. Do not let devil rule it for you. All I have been explaining so far do not count it trivial or being a child's play, discipline in it real sense is a very important asset to success, proper management of it can give you a chance of making ahead than your course mate or class mate. It takes discipline to run the race of life - word for food. Oluwafemi Roya Article Source: 

Thursday, 4 March 2021

Dreams Come True If You Let Them

 By Daniel Kasztura | Submitted On June 19, 2013

Don't you ever hesitate to strongly believe that yes... dreams come true! You are able to make dreams come true but it can happen on one important condition. You must have faith. The faith that no matter what you can achieve everything you dream of. Is it simple to have this kind of faith in yourself? Well, it is not easy especially when things go wrong. You see, when everything is OK in your life or business, it is possible to keep the faith. It is possible then to believe in the ability of your dreams come true. But what if something goes in the bad direction in your life and you are suddenly becoming to turn down? 

The power of your dreams. Now is the time to take advantage of the power of your big dreams. It is good to know that it is not enough to dream. It is not enough to have dreams. The thing is your dreams have to be big. Big enough to keep you in the state of believing. You should understand that if you want to achieve great success in life and business, if you would like your dreams come true, let them be big. I have found Kekich Credo #40. It has something to say about making your dreams big. "No dream is too big. It takes almost the same amount of time and energy to manage tiny projects or businesses as it does to manage massive ones... and the massive ones carry with them proportional rewards." When you go to bed in the evening, make sure you take a good sleep. In the morning, all you should do is to let your mind unfurl the overnight inspirations buried deep within your subconscious. 

How to make your dreams come true? By dreaming big. The best idea is to do it gradually. What do I mean? Well, first come the obvious, small dreams. Then with your mind warmed-up from these gentle impressions it begins to expand and dream bigger. Finally, after a few minutes of growing intensity, you could develop your biggest dreams and ideas that are able to change your life when putting into practice. You don't even imagine how strategic thinking can bring a solution to a problem in your business. I have no doubt this vital ritual of dreaming big will pay off for you if you are willing to believe in the power of your dreams. Believe that your actions are going to make your dreams come true. Unfortunately, the world discourages big thinkers. 

The truth is the mainstream media reports only on fear, loss, negativity and scarcity. But you cannot let yourself be influenced by these dream stealers. If you give up on your possibility to believe in your big success in life, you won't make your dreams come true at all. 2/28/2021 Dreams Come True If You Let Them 2/2 If you want to achieve great things, you need to set big goals. I promise you will achieve your fastest results when you can set aside uninterrupted time for sustained concentration on the biggest obstacles in your business. This is the best way to make your big dreams come true. 

My name is Daniel Kasztura. I live in Poland. I love being myself. I like the issue of personal development. I want to add value to you by writing about how to grow as a person. I am convinced that you can be a better person if you constantly learn how to develop your personal skills. I would be honored to know you took advantage of the helpful lessons presented here. Good luck :) 

Article Source: 

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

How to Set and Achieve Any Goal You Have in Your Life - John Assaraf (Pa...

What to Say When You Talk to Your Self [ Yourself ] Paperback – 2 Oct. 1991 by Shad Helmstetter

 Easily one of the most important books in the personal development arena. It's a must read. Shad is spot on: the most important relationship is with yourself. He shows us how easy it is to forget that we are the designers of our own lives. Human beings will probably never face a greater challenge than Self Management. Bravo Mr Helmstetter & thank you.

Get it now!

Monday, 1 March 2021

12 Things to Love About Courage

 By Sandra Ford Walston | Submitted On May 13, 2010

"Courage can't see around corners, but goes around them anyway." ~Mignon McLaughlin, "The Neurotic's Notebook," 1960 Executive Summary: Everyone can learn to practice courage regardless of career or position. It does not matter if you are a sales associate, graphic designer, project manager, photographer, accountant, administrative assistant, CEO, entrepreneur, journalist, construction worker, electrician, mechanic or stockbroker, you can learn to manifest courage in your work. What would motivate you to explore where the components of this ancient virtue fit in your work life today? Review the list of "12 things to love about courage" and assess if you come from a reservoir of courage in your work and personal life.

 1. I love that my courage allows me to spread my wings and be all I can be. I am driven by an internal courage-fueled energy field that magnifies my spirit's fulfillment. My courage is my antitoxin that I apply to setbacks, hurts or duties. How did I start this process? I gave myself permission to express my individuality! Did someone clip your wings? 

2. I love that my courage supports me to exit bad situations quickly. Knowing my personal courage mindset allows me to embrace the courage opportunities I face on my journey. I am no stranger to my courage. I also know that I may feel unjustly punished when I stand in my courage, but courage provides the inner strength to rise above the "victim" mindset. Are you a stranger to your courage? My actions become consistently balanced with my courage consciousness. I love my courage!

 3. I love that my courage sustains me to design a life diminished of regrets. My courage-centeredness defines my intentions. Each step (large or small) is an achievement. When my time comes to leave this life, I want to be able to say and feel in my heart, "I have no regrets. I did it my way." Do you remain deeply consistent with your intentions? If so, reach for the rainbow!

 4. I love that my courage requires me to hold myself one hundred percent accountable for my life's experiences. I knowingly design those happenings each moment. Courage consciousness supports me as I strive to live in the vibration of my true Self. What life mosaic are you designing? With courage, humility and gratitude merge to dissipate all illusions of selfimportance.

 5. I love that my courage competencies expand as I step up the ladder called life. Stepping up reinforces my reservoir of courage, which sustains me until I am ready to take the next exciting step. That next step may be asking for a tough project 2/28/2021 12 Things to Love About Courage 2/2 or changing my hair color. Is your range of courage expanding? I focus on the ancient Chinese proverb: "He who hesitates before each step spends his life on one leg." Living in courage is economical-it cuts out a myriad of missteps. 

6. I love that my courage self-differentiates me, defining my "brand value." The driver behind courage is the meaningfulness of my life. These qualities are portrayed through my convictions. My courage allows me to reflect. Choosing some form of reflection, I can learn to be more present to the truth of my personal branding distinction. What is your brand value? Herein lies the courage paradox: stay present, and you will do what is best for you!

7. I love that my courage guides me to focus on best results. Combining intention with action, courage arms me for success. The power of my spirit illuminates the steps that correlate my success quotient with my courage quotient. Are you willing to sacrifice the external world to find your internal world? It takes courage to design your personal blueprint.

 8. I love that my courage is a friend during times of uncertainty or difficult transitions. There is no need for me to run from myself. My courage permits me to be innately motivated. In courage, my life expresses my heart's core, reflecting the root meaning of the word courage: "heart and spirit." Does your life express your heart, your core, your courage? With courage, you can say an absolute "yes" to whatever happens in your life.

 9. I love that my courage develops my success. I develop my success by declaring my intent. My self-esteem supports me during demanding times. I know that hard decisions come alive in the questions, not the answers. Questions inspire actions. I see events as opportunities rather than sources of anxiety. Wisdom often dawns in the midst of pain, providing words of encouragement that should be shared with others. Success is not elusive, and courage is not a barrier to a happy life. Both are venues for your light to shine. What is your definition of success? 

10. I love that my courage self-propels me. I am able to reinvent myself as often as needed. I know that conformity is a courage killer. I focus on my accomplishments and maintain a tough measure of accountability. Self-discipline thwarts any mediocrity that might keep me stuck or in anguish. Are you powerfully passionate about who you are? Nothing is more valuable than deepening your sense of who you are. Self-reflection is the key to self-fulfillment. 

11. I love that my courage allows me to stand in my dignity. I do not need to manipulate situations. I know storms will enter my life. They offer opportunities for an honest assessment of my vulnerabilities. How frequently do you witness a mea culpa? Courage supports me to delve beyond my ego's old behavioral scripts to uncover emotional pain and rewrite those scripts. Only I can choose to stop my suffering created by my ego. 

12. I love that my courage advances my voice. When I confront an uncomfortable truth, the essence of my authentic courage comes to light, and I claim this energy. In Latin, "virtue" means "energy." Is courage your unsung hero? Are you willing to fall in love with your courage? Courage is the gift that lifts your spirit. Sandra Ford Walston is known as The Courage Expert and innovator of StuckThinking. She's an organizational effectiveness/learning consultant, speaker, corporate trainer and courage coach, specializing in understanding courage behaviors, courage leadership and individual personality and leadership styles that focus on the tricks and traps of the human condition. 

The internationally published author of bestseller COURAGE facilitates individuals and groups to discover the power of their everyday courage. She is qualified to administer and interpret the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® and is a certified Enneagram teacher. Sandra has been published in magazines such as "Chief Learning Officer," "Training & Development" and "Strategic Finance." She provides skill-based programs for public and private businesses, including Caterpillar, Inc., Nolte Engineering, Hensel Phelps, Auburn University, Procter & Gamble, Farmers Insurance, IBM, Wide Open West and Hitachi Consulting. Sandra instructs at the University of Denver Graduate Tax Program. She posts a courage blog and she can be reached at

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